Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Buchanon: Climate Bill a Transfer of Wealth

"During an appearance on MSNBC, political commentator Pat Buchanan correctly defined the “Climate Bill” for what it really is, not just a new tax on the American people, but a complete transfer of power and wealth to a global government that is using the manufactured fear of global warming to grease the skids for total domination.

Referring to the passage of the climate bill and global warming in general, Buchanan said that the legislation was passed through the use of fear and that, “More and more scientists are coming forward to say this is a hoax and a scam which is designed to transfer wealth and power from the private sector to the government sector and from the government of the United States to a world government. Which is what we’re going to get in Copenhagen when we get this Kyoto two agreement.”"

Infowars Article
Click title for full article

Saturday, June 27, 2009

House bill Threatens America's Future

"This bill is about spending, spending, spending."

The Democrats try to slide a spending bill through the house, by not giving our representatives time to read the bill. This is terrible legislation. The House failed us. Pray the Senate have courage to stand against this legislation.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hopeless in Obama

Not much we can say folks. This is not a savior.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thomas Jefferson

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."

Edit The Fed!

Ron Paul wants to Edit the Fed. Good job Ron! An audit would abolish this criminal group of global bankers.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

911, Beck's Lies, and Truth

I am for 911 truth. I do not support anyone who would attack a public place and kill innocent people be they police or so called freedom fighters. James Von Braun does not represent 911 Truthers. This story is an opinion of the uninformed. A man blinded in prejudice as Von Braun may be, does not represent me.

I believe, the 911 report was more than a whitewash. It was a cover up. The facts have been proven on the Internet.

In my opinion, Glen Beck never seems to get to the heart of any story. He is biased and no doubt supported as an agent of disinformation. "911 truthers" are not murderers.

By the way Glen, that was the government on 9-11 that murdered three thousand in the sky scrappers, to start and increase war in Eurasia.

A crazed man with a gun that kills someone, does not represent the rest of us, anymore than a misinformed TV Newsman does.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Calls for Investigation of Carradine Death

The family of David Carrdine have called for an investigation into his death. He was reportedly investigating secret societies.

Click on Title.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Depression not Far off

Tens of trillions of dollars are being dumped on the bankers, and on other businesses. This only causes a false sense of security as there comes a selective and slight relief from economic woes.

The economy will go into full depression by next year, if we continue on the same path. The only thing that will stop this in the US, is a repentance from abortion on demand, and an overturning of the unholy trinity, the FISA Wiretap, The John Warner Defense Act, and the Patriot Act.

This nation needs to return to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We need to do away with most law enacted after that.

The Federal Reserve must be abolished. Free Trade must be abolished.

We've been saying these things for six years now. We've watched the nation falter, and fall into this death spiral. This government is not for the people. This government is despotic and criminal. This government is in bed with the NWO, and has sold out the citizen to the globalist agenda.

Eventually, they will kill masses of us. The globalist believe that 80% of us need eliminated.

Obama, is traveling the world because he is a globalist. He is selling us out. Sad for the black race, as they waited so long to have a black president, and the one elected is actually in office to destroy the sovereignty of this nation. Sad for all Americans really.

Repent or be destroyed America!


Realtors Trained to Spy on Homes

".... real estate companies are giving DEA courses on how to identify certain types of drug manufacturing processes, and how to report them. Any time a methamphetamine lab is suspected, DEA must be called in because of the hazardous materials involved....."

Click on title for an Infowars story on Realtor spying on your home....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Robin Williams on Rant

Thomas Jefferson

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

Infowars Article

"As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s permission.

Department of State’s U.S. Passport Card.

We are now forbidden by Federal regulations from leaving or entering the USA, anywhere, by any means — by air, by sea, or by land, to or from any other country or international waters or airspace — unless the government chooses to issue us a passport, passport card, or “enhanced” drivers license (any of which “travel documents” are now issued only with secretly and remotely-readable uniquely-numbered radio tracking beacons in the form of RFID transponder chips), or unless the Department of Homeland Security chooses to to exercise its standardless “discretion” to decide — in secret, with no way for us to know who is making the decision or on what basis — to issue a (one-time case-by-case) “waiver” of the new travel document requirements.'

We are headed for a great crises! California is collapsing.

Impeach Barak

Save the Republic. Impeach Barak Obama.

-Banker bailouts are globalist robbery and unconstitutional.
-The youth corps is a move toward fascism.
-Internet 2 is a direct attack on free speech.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Globalist Dick Cheney Admits 911 Lie

"Former Vice President Dick Cheney wants a do-over. After being party to an administration that repeatedly sought to tie the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks with Saddam Hussein, he’s ready to let that assertion go.

In an interview with Fox News’ Greta van Susteren Monday, Cheney said there was no evidence tying Iraq and 9/11 — and that there never was."

Quote From Raw Story
Click on title for more.

HG Wells "Things to Come"

Click on Title.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Jonny Fever was Right!

The Phone Cops are listening!

Obama Setting Up Internet 2

A Cyber Security Czar!

Click Title for more bad news!

GM FIles for Bankruptcy.

Click title for story