Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Arron Russo Video Coming

Russo's dream was to abolish the Federal Reserve.

Russo died on August 24, 2007

Check back June fourth for more info.

Military to Pledge Oath To Obama

Wednesday, January 28,2009

Military to Pledge Oath To Obama, Not Constitution (Michele Chang)

"Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is extremely frustrated with
orders that the White House is contemplating. According to
sources at the Pentagon,including all branches of the armed forces, the
Obama Administration may Break with a centuries-old tradition.

A spokesman for General James Cartwright, the Vice Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, states that the Obama Administration wants to have soldiers
and officers pledge a loyalty oath directly to the office of the President,
and no longer to the Constitution.

"The oath to the Constitution is as old as the document itself." the
spokesman said, "At no time in American history, not even in the Civil War,
did the oath change or the subject of the oath differ. It has always been to
the Constitution."

The back-and-forth between the White House and the Defense Department was
expected as President George W. Bush left office. President Obama has
already signed orders to close Guantanamo and to pull combat troops
from Iraq But , this, say many at the Defense Department, goes too far.
"Technically, we can't talk about it before it becomes official policy." the
spokesman continued. "However, the Defense Department, including the
Secretary, will not take this laying down. Expect a fight from the
bureaucracy and the brass."

Sources at the White House had a different point of view. In a circular
distributed by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, the rationale for
the change was made more clear. "The President feels that the military has been too indoctrinated
by the old harbingers of hate: nationalism, racism, and classism. By removing an oath to the
American society, the soldiers are less likely to commit atrocities like those at Abu Ghraib."

"We expect a lot of flak over this," the classified memo continues. "But
those that would be most against it are those looking either for attention
or control."

The time frame for the changes are unknown. However, it is more likely that
the changes will be made around the July 4th holiday, in order to dampen any
potential backlash. The difference in the oath will actually only be slight.
The main differences will be the new phrasing. It is expected that the oath
to the Constit ution will be entirely phased out within two years.



Friday, May 29, 2009

Obama on the Move


Kurt Nimmo

May 29, 2009

"Call it a “Green Zone” for Pakistan and Afghanistan. The United States will spend more than a $1 billion on a brand spanking new embassy in Islamabad, along with permanent housing for U.S. government civilians and new office space in the Pakistani capital, according to McClatchy. It is said scale of the project rivals the giant U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, which was completed last year after construction delays at a cost of $740 million."

Yuppies and the Comics

The comic books go Yuppie. Archie chooses rich Veronica over Betty.

This is exactly what has happened all over the nation as the yuppie nation, moves society toward total New World Order control.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Carbon Tax

A new bank of the world is being set up to pay our carbon tax to.
Kyoto is lie.

The tax is on our carbon fuel burning so that they might do what?

This is evil!

Click on title for one article of thousands on the World Bank.

North Korea’s Nukes: Paid For By The U.S. Government

Click on title for Infowars article.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keyes Released from South Bend jail

Click on title for more of the follow up story from WSBT Mishawaka IN.

His court date is May 28th.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Answer

As we see the fall of this nation into deception and ruin, we know that the hour is late for a people's revolution against tyranny. With the banker bailout and the Wall Street bail out, we know that there is little hope that this nation will be able to withstand this globalist blitzkrieg against our economy, unless the people rise up and take their government back.

Those who presently rule this nation are being controlled by the globalist, the Rockefeller/Rothschild World Banker Elite. Most legislation being passed and enforced from Washington is Globalist one world government in nature. Obama is the globalist president. The global bankers will gather multiple trillions of dollars to themselves trough taking down the American economy. This will also give them more power to rule this nation for their purposes.

Their plan for us, is to eliminate 80% of us, and to enforce their totalitarian rule on the remaining work slaves.

This is Orwell’s 1984.

The answer to 1984 is 1776.

Click on the title for back ground proof.

Mother-of-eight Colleen Hauser goes on run to stop court forcing son, 13, to have chemotherapy

The fascist are at it again!

Click on title for story.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Free Alan Keys

Alan Keyes was arrested at Notre Dame for protesting Obama's speech there. I am with him in spirit, as he has been in jail for over a week now.

We pray for you Alan. Our hope is for you soon release. This was the police state in action.

Alan has been pro life seemingly forever. Infowars has reported that
Obama is even for killing babies after they are born.


Click on Title for more.

Monday, May 18, 2009

From Infowars

"Bilderberg 2009 Attendee List
Text size
May 18, 2009
Dutch Queen Beatrix,

Queen Sofia of Spain

Prince Constantijn Belgian Prince

Philip Ntavinion Etienne, Belgium

Joseph Akerman, Germany

Friends Alexander, United States (NSA)

Roger Altman, United States

Arapoglou, Greece (National Bank of Greece governor)

Ali Bampatzan, Turkey (Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economy)

Francisco Balsemao bidet, Portugal

Nicholas Bavarez, France

Franco Bernampe, Italy (Telecom Italia)

Xavie Bertran, France

Carl Bildt, Sweden (Secretary)

January Bgiorklount, Norway

Christoph Blocher, Switzerland

Alexander Bompar, France,

Boten Anna, Spain

Henri de Kastios, France

Juan-Luis Themprian, Spain

Clark Edmunds, Canada

Kenneth Clarke, Great Britain (TD Bank Financial Group)

Luc Cohen, Belgium

George David, Greece

Richard Ntiarlav, Great Britain

Mario Dragan, Italy (Italia VANCA d)

Elntroup Anders, Denmark

John Elkan, Italy (Fiat SRA)

Thomas Enders, Germany (Airbus SAS)

Jose Entrekanales, Spain

Isintro phenomena casket, Spain

Naial Fergkiouson, United States (Harvard University)

Timothy Gaitner, United States (Minister of Finance)

Ntermot convergence, Ireland (AIV Group)

Donald Graham, United States (Washington Post Company)

Victor Chalmperstant, Netherlands (Leiden University)

Ernst hirsh Ballin, Netherlands

Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. (Obama’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan)

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Netherlands (CC NATO)

James Jones, the U.S. (National Security Advisor to the White House)

Vernon Jordan, United States

Robert Keigkan, United States

Girki Katainen, Finland

John profit Britain (Royal Dutch Shell)

Mustafa Kots, Turkey (Group Kots)

Roland GT, Germany

Sami Cohen, Turkey (Journalist)

Henry Kissinger, United States

Marie Zose Ktavis, United States (Iudson Institute)

Neli Kroes, the Netherlands (European Commissioner for Competition)

Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, Greece (Group S & B)

Manuela Fereira mode, Portugal (PSD)

Bernarntino Leon, Spain

Jessica Matthews, United States

Philip Meis Tant (EIB)

Frank MakKena, Canada (TD Bank Financial Group)

John Mikelthgoueit, Great Britain (journalists, The Economist)"

Phoenix News on the Illuminati

Sunday, May 17, 2009

In This I Weep

Sad to say, the US economy is all but gone. I believe with all my heart, that this melt down, was planned, and executed by Globalist who have in thier heart a one world government.

In this I cry...Repent for the Kingdom is at Hand!

Weep and cry for America!

Jer 13:17 But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for [your] pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the LORD'S flock is carried away captive.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Global Warming is a Lie

"There is now irrefutable scientific evidence that far from global warming the earth has now entered a period of global cooling which will last at least for the next two decades." ....

"Professor Don Easterbrook one of the principle speakers at the recent World Conference on climate change held in New York in March this year attended by 800 leading climatologists, has documented a consistent cycle of warm and cool periods each with a 27 year cycle."

Terri Jackson
Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Click on title for more...

Overthrow this Evil Government

We are seeing the planned obsolescence of the American worker. NAFTA and GATT were precursors to what we are seeing now. With Five million jobs lost since the start of this globalist take over we can know that we are up against a real enemy that has no desire to see America continue in power. Real unemployment is at its highest levels ever.

I advocate a return to trade tariffs. I have for over six years. This would save the economy. Our Senators, Presidents, and other Congressmen who are "free trade", are totally sold out to globalism. Free traders are against the Protection of this Nation against enemies foreign and domestic. This nation needs to throw out this government and start over.

The Constitution gives us this right. It is time!


Bilderberg Meeting Now

Check out the Infowars article. Click Title.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands ... may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." - James Madison, Federalist No. 47

'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'-Ronald Reagan

USA TODAY Reports Record Foreclosure

Foreclosure numbers are out today. April foreclosures set a record... a 32 percent increase compared with the same month last year, USA Today reports.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Rhodes Blog

Click on title to check out Stewert Rhodes Web Blog right here on

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Abyss

According to Government Department of Homeland Security reports, if we are anti-gun control, anti-abortion, and anti-illegal immigration, We are considered prime suspects to become terrorists.

They say the economic climate is pushing conservatives to the point that we are dangerious to this nation.

This nation has slipped into an abyss we may never recover from. The Liberal Nanny State and Police State, have unleashed a great attack on our freedoms.

Be free saint of Jah. Let no one enslave you.