15% actual unemployment across the whole nation would be an accurate figure. In my local city we are nearing 20% actual.
Bob Chapman (International Forecaster)says expect unemployment to go to 30% actual across the nation.
This is more and more becoming an official Depression. The governmental lies about the economy does not change the facts.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hopenosis in Swing

So now we know the inflated gas prices were a scam to take trillions of dollars from Americans to put it in the coffers of the globalist oil company pockets. This was to weaken the nation and advance the cause of the Globalist.
We knew four dollar gas was a scam. This nation is evil to the core.
Do you hope in Obama? Camps are being set up for Americans to be herded into as they fail financially. (see the one in Beech Grove, near Indy on earlier blog) Starving Americans will one day welcome a change to go to prison to fill their bellies.
That is change you can believe in!
Buy American
Barack Obama has issued a right word.
Buy American!
This is a message many of the globalist like the Rockefeller's and my Senators, Dick Lugar and Evan Byah, will cringe at.
This is not an easy thing to do some times. I beleive the globalist could not have brought this economy down without free trade. (sorry, I don't support the buy union message)
Here is a web sight that will help.
or click on title.
Also Barack is evil, but every devil must tell a truth to have a base to slip lie in.
Buy American!
This is a message many of the globalist like the Rockefeller's and my Senators, Dick Lugar and Evan Byah, will cringe at.
This is not an easy thing to do some times. I beleive the globalist could not have brought this economy down without free trade. (sorry, I don't support the buy union message)
Here is a web sight that will help.
or click on title.
Also Barack is evil, but every devil must tell a truth to have a base to slip lie in.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Barak the Handled Messiah
When Obama was elected, he was hailed as the new Messiah. Looking back over the past two years we need to remember that this man came from nowhere.
Hillery Clinton all but had a lock on this election early on. But something changed. The Oprah backed Obama began to soar. Strangely along the road, the Michigan and Florida primary process were disallowed. Barak was the chosen.
Someone in the elite, had made a decision. The once obscure Obama was not the early front Runner, but he was now chosen. And now we have this "Handled man", as a president. It is not a strange thing that he uses many of Bushes national leadership team. It is just a continuation of the same policies. The handlers are the same.
Yes, now the global elite have a new puppet. Barak is on the string, dangling before the people. He is a speaking devil with dark sentences. If Barak should find a conscience, and decide he wants to follow a different path, he will be killed.
The die is set. Barak is the five star general in battle of the global elite, leading the attack against the Constitution and the America people. He is not a Messiah, he is an anti-Christ of the Constitution.
Many anti-Christ are already among you.
Hillery Clinton all but had a lock on this election early on. But something changed. The Oprah backed Obama began to soar. Strangely along the road, the Michigan and Florida primary process were disallowed. Barak was the chosen.
Someone in the elite, had made a decision. The once obscure Obama was not the early front Runner, but he was now chosen. And now we have this "Handled man", as a president. It is not a strange thing that he uses many of Bushes national leadership team. It is just a continuation of the same policies. The handlers are the same.
Yes, now the global elite have a new puppet. Barak is on the string, dangling before the people. He is a speaking devil with dark sentences. If Barak should find a conscience, and decide he wants to follow a different path, he will be killed.
The die is set. Barak is the five star general in battle of the global elite, leading the attack against the Constitution and the America people. He is not a Messiah, he is an anti-Christ of the Constitution.
Many anti-Christ are already among you.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Drugs Planted
Click on title to learn about the police elite planting drugs on citizens.
Or cut and paste:
Or cut and paste:
Bail Out hits 8.5 Trillion
Cut and past URL or click title for, "Real News"
Cut and past URL or click title for, "Real News"
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Citi Bank Bailout
A three hundred billion dollar bailout doesn't sound so bad in this day of wars and give aways. But If you figure that Citibank has less then thirty billion in assets is seems a bit risky.
Eventually this whole thing will collapse on itself. Duh...
It takes a Congressional idiot not to see this.
We are watching before our eyes a complete hyjack of our Government by global bankers. Join the fight or die.
Eventually this whole thing will collapse on itself. Duh...
It takes a Congressional idiot not to see this.
We are watching before our eyes a complete hyjack of our Government by global bankers. Join the fight or die.
“Unprecedented” Job Cuts in Works at World’s Largest Automaker
Gilles Castonguay
January 23, 2009
"A warning of unprecedented staff cuts at Toyota, the world’s biggest auto maker, and word of a possible first quarter loss by Volkswagen piled fresh pressure on struggling car manufacturers on Friday."
January 23, 2009
"A warning of unprecedented staff cuts at Toyota, the world’s biggest auto maker, and word of a possible first quarter loss by Volkswagen piled fresh pressure on struggling car manufacturers on Friday."
Brittan In Recession.
NEW YORK (Reuters) – "U.S. President Barack Obama declared his $825 billion stimulus plan "on target" for passage in February as Britain officially entered recession on Friday and Japan expressed frustration it was running out of tools to combat the global financial crisis."
The evil of the Bush regime has weakened the economy of the whole world.
I doubt there is anything that will turn it around. Certainly not 825 billion. But I pray I am wrong.
The evil of the Bush regime has weakened the economy of the whole world.
I doubt there is anything that will turn it around. Certainly not 825 billion. But I pray I am wrong.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama the Next Furer
The hoopla around the Obama Coronation was truly reminiscent of servants crowning a king. The US has left Jesus and raised up a globalist puppet in His place.
He will lead this nation to ruin. George Bush's traitorous presidency will pale in compression to Obama's. He will institute tighter control on America's waning freedoms.
I've seen the bewitching of the young by this man. I've seen many fools follow like sheep. He is a global man, not a patriot.
He will lead this nation to ruin. George Bush's traitorous presidency will pale in compression to Obama's. He will institute tighter control on America's waning freedoms.
I've seen the bewitching of the young by this man. I've seen many fools follow like sheep. He is a global man, not a patriot.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Article from Paul Craig Roberts
"The Humiliation of America
Paul Craig Roberts
January 14, 2009
“Early Friday morning the secretary of state was considering bringing the cease-fire resolution to a UNSC vote and we didn’t want her to vote for it,” Olmert said. “I said ‘get President Bush on the phone.’ They tried and told me he was in the middle of a lecture in Philadelphia. I said ‘I’m not interested, I need to speak to him now.’ He got down from the podium, went out and took the phone call.”
"Let me see if I understand this,” wrote a friend in response to news reports that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert ordered President Bush from the podium where he was giving a speech to receive Israel’s instructions about how the United States had to vote on the UN resolution. “On September 11th, President Bush is interrupted while reading a story to school children and told the World Trade Center had been hit–and he went on reading. Now, Olmert calls about a UN resolution when Bush is giving a speech and Bush leaves the stage to take the call. There exists no greater example of a master-servant relationship.”
Click on title for the remainder of the article.
This in quotes as taken from INfOWARS.com
Paul Craig Roberts
January 14, 2009
“Early Friday morning the secretary of state was considering bringing the cease-fire resolution to a UNSC vote and we didn’t want her to vote for it,” Olmert said. “I said ‘get President Bush on the phone.’ They tried and told me he was in the middle of a lecture in Philadelphia. I said ‘I’m not interested, I need to speak to him now.’ He got down from the podium, went out and took the phone call.”
"Let me see if I understand this,” wrote a friend in response to news reports that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert ordered President Bush from the podium where he was giving a speech to receive Israel’s instructions about how the United States had to vote on the UN resolution. “On September 11th, President Bush is interrupted while reading a story to school children and told the World Trade Center had been hit–and he went on reading. Now, Olmert calls about a UN resolution when Bush is giving a speech and Bush leaves the stage to take the call. There exists no greater example of a master-servant relationship.”
Click on title for the remainder of the article.
This in quotes as taken from INfOWARS.com
Winter Records Global Warming?
With record winter weather we wonder if the Global warming lies will be challenged in the corporate press?
Temperatures dip to 48 below zero in Babbitt, Minnesota! Does that sound like a heat wave to you?
Temperatures dip to 48 below zero in Babbitt, Minnesota! Does that sound like a heat wave to you?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Prof. Peter Morici Says Economy in Depression
Prof. Peter Morici
Global Politician
January 16, 2009
"The Labor Department reported on Jan. 9 that the economy lost 524,000 payroll jobs in December, and average employment was 1.3 million lower in the fourth quarter than in the third quarter. I believe the economy is already in the jaws of a depression." from
Click Title
His figures work nation wide, but in my area we have been in Depression for a least six months. Revolution Garry
Global Politician
January 16, 2009
"The Labor Department reported on Jan. 9 that the economy lost 524,000 payroll jobs in December, and average employment was 1.3 million lower in the fourth quarter than in the third quarter. I believe the economy is already in the jaws of a depression." from
Click Title
His figures work nation wide, but in my area we have been in Depression for a least six months. Revolution Garry
Friday, January 16, 2009
Part One of Bush Fairwell
Click the title to get the rest of this load of manure. (talk about grading on a curve)
Chris Matthews on Bush Farewell
You pegged him pretty good Chris.
This man led from a position of delusion. Sad for the country. His farewell cements his place in History as the worst president in history. Garry
Thursday, January 15, 2009
From Revolution Radio.org
"Big Brother’s new target: Tracking of all firearms
‘This is nothing less than a declaration of war on American gun owners’
By Drew Zahn
January 13, 2009
U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., is hoping to pass a firearm-licensing bill that will significantly rewrite gun-ownership laws in America.
Among the more controversial provisions of the bill are requirements that all handgun owners submit to the federal government a photo, thumb print and mental heath records. Further, the bill would order the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer and owner’s address in America.
The bill claims its purpose is “to protect the public against the unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with the unrecorded sale or transfer of firearms to criminals and youth.”
Columnist David Codrea of Guns Magazine, however, calls it a “ridiculous affront to liberty.”
“This is nothing less than a declaration of war on American gun owners,” Codrea writes on Gun Rights Examiner.
Rush’s proposed bill, H.R. 45, is alternatively known as “Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009,” named after an Illinois teenager killed by a gunshot.
According the bill’s text, “On the afternoon of May 10, 2007, Blair Holt, a junior at Julian High School in Chicago, was killed on a public bus riding home from school when he used his body to shield a girl who was in the line of fire after a young man boarded the bus and started shooting.”
The bill then argues that interstate firearm trafficking and children dying from gun violence create legitimate cause for the federal government to monitor gun ownership and transfers in new ways.
If passed, the bill would make it illegal to own or possess a “qualifying firearm” – defined as any handgun or any semiautomatic firearm that takes an ammunition clip – without a “Blair Holt” license. ..."
For more click title.
‘This is nothing less than a declaration of war on American gun owners’
By Drew Zahn
January 13, 2009
U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., is hoping to pass a firearm-licensing bill that will significantly rewrite gun-ownership laws in America.
Among the more controversial provisions of the bill are requirements that all handgun owners submit to the federal government a photo, thumb print and mental heath records. Further, the bill would order the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer and owner’s address in America.
The bill claims its purpose is “to protect the public against the unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with the unrecorded sale or transfer of firearms to criminals and youth.”
Columnist David Codrea of Guns Magazine, however, calls it a “ridiculous affront to liberty.”
“This is nothing less than a declaration of war on American gun owners,” Codrea writes on Gun Rights Examiner.
Rush’s proposed bill, H.R. 45, is alternatively known as “Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009,” named after an Illinois teenager killed by a gunshot.
According the bill’s text, “On the afternoon of May 10, 2007, Blair Holt, a junior at Julian High School in Chicago, was killed on a public bus riding home from school when he used his body to shield a girl who was in the line of fire after a young man boarded the bus and started shooting.”
The bill then argues that interstate firearm trafficking and children dying from gun violence create legitimate cause for the federal government to monitor gun ownership and transfers in new ways.
If passed, the bill would make it illegal to own or possess a “qualifying firearm” – defined as any handgun or any semiautomatic firearm that takes an ammunition clip – without a “Blair Holt” license. ..."
For more click title.
Failed President goes Out without Fanfare
"Various television personalities -- from Anderson Cooper to Campbell Brown -- expressed dismay or outright shock at President George W. Bush's final press conference, particularly his responses regarding Hurricane Katrina. Bush took umbrage with a reporter's question: Why did the government take so long to respond?
But perhaps the most significant measure of Bush's diminished media earning power was the lack of reporters who actually showed up for the event.
According to a story by former Washington Post White House correspondent Dana Milbank, who now writes a snarky tongue-in-cheek column, the White House ordered interns to fill two rows of empty seats in the press briefing room.
"With seven days left until he surrenders power, Bush will have to do a heck of a sales job to convince the nation of this," Milbank wrote. "Further complicating his last-minute legacy rehabilitation: Nobody seems to be paying attention. The White House had high expectations for yesterday's final, historic news conference. 'ONE CORRESPONDENT PER ORGANIZATION,' proclaimed the bulletin sent to reporters. 'STANDING ROOM ONLY FOR NON-SEAT HOLDERS.' But when the appointed hour of 9:15 a.m. arrived, the last two rows in the seven-row briefing room were empty, and a press aide told White House interns to fill those seats.""
From raw story: Click title for more
But perhaps the most significant measure of Bush's diminished media earning power was the lack of reporters who actually showed up for the event.
According to a story by former Washington Post White House correspondent Dana Milbank, who now writes a snarky tongue-in-cheek column, the White House ordered interns to fill two rows of empty seats in the press briefing room.
"With seven days left until he surrenders power, Bush will have to do a heck of a sales job to convince the nation of this," Milbank wrote. "Further complicating his last-minute legacy rehabilitation: Nobody seems to be paying attention. The White House had high expectations for yesterday's final, historic news conference. 'ONE CORRESPONDENT PER ORGANIZATION,' proclaimed the bulletin sent to reporters. 'STANDING ROOM ONLY FOR NON-SEAT HOLDERS.' But when the appointed hour of 9:15 a.m. arrived, the last two rows in the seven-row briefing room were empty, and a press aide told White House interns to fill those seats.""
From raw story: Click title for more
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Banks Need more.. and more... and more..
Bernanke Tells Obama Banks Need More Money
The International Herald Tribune
Julia Werdigier and Edmund L. Andrews
January 13, 2009
"LONDON: The chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, warned here Tuesday that the highly unpopular job of using taxpayer money to bail out financial institutions in the United States and other countries was far from over.
One day after President-elect Barack Obama asked Congress to free up the second half of the money for the Treasury Department’s $700 billion financial rescue program, Bernanke cautioned that banks and other lending institutions were still not functioning properly and would probably need additional money."
The International Herald Tribune
Julia Werdigier and Edmund L. Andrews
January 13, 2009
"LONDON: The chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, warned here Tuesday that the highly unpopular job of using taxpayer money to bail out financial institutions in the United States and other countries was far from over.
One day after President-elect Barack Obama asked Congress to free up the second half of the money for the Treasury Department’s $700 billion financial rescue program, Bernanke cautioned that banks and other lending institutions were still not functioning properly and would probably need additional money."
Bart Shooting Update
Former BART cop arrested on murder charge in Nevada
By Kelly Rayburn and Sean Maher
Oakland Tribune
Posted: 01/13/2009 09:19:48 PM PST
"OAKLAND - Johannes Mehserle, the former BART police officer who shot and killed an unarmed man early New Year's Day, was arrested on a murder charge in Nevada today, officials confirmed.
Mehserle, 27, shot and killed Oscar Grant III, 22, at an Oakland BART station in the early morning of New Year's Day. The shooting has prompted massive protests, especially after videos of the incident surfaced.
Mehserle was being held in Douglas County, Nev., on a no-bail warrant, a law-enforcement official said.
Since he was arrested in Nevada, he will face an extradition hearing before returning to Alameda County, a process that could take at least a few days.
Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff was
Christopher Miller, Mehserle's Sacramento-based attorney, could not be reached for comment, but his office confirmed the arrest.
Mehserle had been moving from place to place in recent days as he faced numerous death threats. He was reportedly arrested without incident.
"The family will certainly be relieved that (Orloff) has made some effort to bring him to justice," said attorney John Burris, who is representing the family in a $25 million claim against BART. "This is terrific. This is a very important step in healing the community."
Repeated calls to BART police tonight were not returned.
Mehserle had given no comment either to BART investigators or
Orloff's office following the incident in which cell phone videos appeared to show him shooting Grant as Grant lay facedown on the ground at the Fruitvale station.
Mehserle's resignation last week took away BART's ability to get a statement out of him, since he could no longer be fired for remaining silent.
Oakland's assistant police chief, Howard Jordan, said he hoped news of the arrest would help calm tensions among the more than 1,000 people who were expected to protest the shooting Wednesday.
"We're hoping that people act civilly and they take this recent action as a sign (Orloff) was committed to doing a job and moving forward with a complete, thorough and unbiased investigation," Jordan said.
Earlier today, Mayor Ron Dellums said that he understands the anger people feel after the shooting, but said taking that anger out on other people is an injustice in its own right.
"It's fundamentally contradictory to stand up for justice and then dispense injustice," Dellums said. "You can't operate on both planes. You can't walk both sides of the street." "
Reach Kelly Rayburn at 510-208-6435.
By Kelly Rayburn and Sean Maher
Oakland Tribune
Posted: 01/13/2009 09:19:48 PM PST
"OAKLAND - Johannes Mehserle, the former BART police officer who shot and killed an unarmed man early New Year's Day, was arrested on a murder charge in Nevada today, officials confirmed.
Mehserle, 27, shot and killed Oscar Grant III, 22, at an Oakland BART station in the early morning of New Year's Day. The shooting has prompted massive protests, especially after videos of the incident surfaced.
Mehserle was being held in Douglas County, Nev., on a no-bail warrant, a law-enforcement official said.
Since he was arrested in Nevada, he will face an extradition hearing before returning to Alameda County, a process that could take at least a few days.
Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff was
Christopher Miller, Mehserle's Sacramento-based attorney, could not be reached for comment, but his office confirmed the arrest.
Mehserle had been moving from place to place in recent days as he faced numerous death threats. He was reportedly arrested without incident.
"The family will certainly be relieved that (Orloff) has made some effort to bring him to justice," said attorney John Burris, who is representing the family in a $25 million claim against BART. "This is terrific. This is a very important step in healing the community."
Repeated calls to BART police tonight were not returned.
Mehserle had given no comment either to BART investigators or
Orloff's office following the incident in which cell phone videos appeared to show him shooting Grant as Grant lay facedown on the ground at the Fruitvale station.
Mehserle's resignation last week took away BART's ability to get a statement out of him, since he could no longer be fired for remaining silent.
Oakland's assistant police chief, Howard Jordan, said he hoped news of the arrest would help calm tensions among the more than 1,000 people who were expected to protest the shooting Wednesday.
"We're hoping that people act civilly and they take this recent action as a sign (Orloff) was committed to doing a job and moving forward with a complete, thorough and unbiased investigation," Jordan said.
Earlier today, Mayor Ron Dellums said that he understands the anger people feel after the shooting, but said taking that anger out on other people is an injustice in its own right.
"It's fundamentally contradictory to stand up for justice and then dispense injustice," Dellums said. "You can't operate on both planes. You can't walk both sides of the street." "
Reach Kelly Rayburn at 510-208-6435.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The New Civil War
We are in a civil war time. This one is not North vs. South but is just as much about slavery as the first.
This Civil War is Citizen Vs. the Elite.
Citizen, if we do not drive back the Elites, they will make us slaves.
Revolution Garry
This Civil War is Citizen Vs. the Elite.
Citizen, if we do not drive back the Elites, they will make us slaves.
Revolution Garry
Collapsing US Economy
Paul Craig Roberts
January 12, 2009
"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm payroll employment declined by 3,445,000 from December 2007 through December 2008.
The collapse in employment is across the board.
Construction lost 520,000 jobs. Manufacturing lost 806,000 jobs. Trade, transportation and utilities lost 1,495,000 jobs (retail trade accounted for 1,120,000 of this loss). Financial activities lost 145,000 jobs. Professional and business services lost 713,000 jobs. Even government lost 188,000 jobs.
Only in health care and social assistance has the economy been able to eke out a few new jobs.
Many analysts believe the job losses will be as great or greater during 2009.
Moreover, the reported job losses are likely understated. Noted statistician John Williams (shadowstats.com) reports that biases in measurement have understated the job loss over the last 12 months by 1,150,000 jobs."
Paul Craig Roberts
January 12, 2009
"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm payroll employment declined by 3,445,000 from December 2007 through December 2008.
The collapse in employment is across the board.
Construction lost 520,000 jobs. Manufacturing lost 806,000 jobs. Trade, transportation and utilities lost 1,495,000 jobs (retail trade accounted for 1,120,000 of this loss). Financial activities lost 145,000 jobs. Professional and business services lost 713,000 jobs. Even government lost 188,000 jobs.
Only in health care and social assistance has the economy been able to eke out a few new jobs.
Many analysts believe the job losses will be as great or greater during 2009.
Moreover, the reported job losses are likely understated. Noted statistician John Williams (shadowstats.com) reports that biases in measurement have understated the job loss over the last 12 months by 1,150,000 jobs."
Monday, January 12, 2009
Chris Horner and Bob Wagner on Global Warning
Although Al Gore did a great job winning many, there were many lies in his Film "An Inconvenient Truth". This was all to set up the need for a global carbon tax. The planet has cooled 1/3 of a degree
since the movie was released.
Click on title...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wounded Knee
"The Republic of Lakotah (formerly known as the Sioux Nation of Indians, a name given by the white man) has withdrawn from its treaties and agreements with the United States and reasserted its sovereignty. This could be the most significant move in recent times for freedom lovers everywhere." INFOWARS
Click on title for more.
World Meltdown
World meltdown:
War: Iran 3x the missles we once thought. Global cries for one world govenment are growing.
Christianity: is losing enfluence in the world. World relgions are growing.
Econmics: Bailouts and Madoff are only the tip of the iceberg. States are facing shortfalls. 41 states are facing shortfalls. California, is short 31.7 billion.
Weather shifts will be world wide. Water shortages will come.
Woah woah woah, in 2012 we will see.
For more click title:
War: Iran 3x the missles we once thought. Global cries for one world govenment are growing.
Christianity: is losing enfluence in the world. World relgions are growing.
Econmics: Bailouts and Madoff are only the tip of the iceberg. States are facing shortfalls. 41 states are facing shortfalls. California, is short 31.7 billion.
Weather shifts will be world wide. Water shortages will come.
Woah woah woah, in 2012 we will see.
For more click title:
Police State Shooting at Bart Station
Police murder a man in plain sight in California. But don't jump to conclusions!!!
In my city Marion Indiana, we are still asking for answers to the unlawful death of Mr. Gary Johnson at the hands of the local Sheriff's department. (Click Title for more)
Depression Inches Closer
Even the corporate News machines are admitting to a 7.2 unemployment rate. It is 20% for sure in many parts of the country.
Michigan leads the melt down.
The biggest fear now is that the elite are admitting to a recessions now. That almost assures we are sliding into depression.
It is not enough now, for government to change polices to change this. That would help but the final solution is this:
-The church must repent unto the kingdom.
-The nation must turn from abortion and globalism.
Michigan leads the melt down.
The biggest fear now is that the elite are admitting to a recessions now. That almost assures we are sliding into depression.
It is not enough now, for government to change polices to change this. That would help but the final solution is this:
-The church must repent unto the kingdom.
-The nation must turn from abortion and globalism.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Mega Depression Almost assured with Trillion Dollar Bank Scam
You know the story!
911 was an inside job.
Nadoff was not just him....
911 was an inside job.
Nadoff was not just him....
Eagle Eye
If you get a chance, watch the movie Eagle Eye:
-the technology is real and being used against you.
America, Big Brother is watching you!
-the technology is real and being used against you.
America, Big Brother is watching you!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Somewhere I read of the freedom of the assembly. Somewhere I read, of the freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of the freedom of the press, somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right. Martin Luther King
Honey bees Disappear
Crops are not producing as much as they once did. The Reason...any thing that depends on the bees to pollinate it, has been reduced due to a lack of bees!
"A Cornell University study has estimated that honeybees annually pollinate more than $14 billion worth of seeds and crops in the United States, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts. “Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food,” said Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation." NYTimes By ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO
Published: February 27, 2007
Click title
"A Cornell University study has estimated that honeybees annually pollinate more than $14 billion worth of seeds and crops in the United States, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts. “Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food,” said Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation." NYTimes By ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO
Published: February 27, 2007
Click title
Survival Acres on Israeli Attacks
Click Title for More!
"The US Administration and the US media keep repeating the Israeli lies that it is doing this mass killing in retaliation to Hamas breaking the cease fire and launching rockets on settlers just outside of the Gaza Strip. Neither have the decency to think for a minute and investigate these lies." Survival Acres
From: An Open Letter To American Mass Media
"The US Administration and the US media keep repeating the Israeli lies that it is doing this mass killing in retaliation to Hamas breaking the cease fire and launching rockets on settlers just outside of the Gaza Strip. Neither have the decency to think for a minute and investigate these lies." Survival Acres
From: An Open Letter To American Mass Media
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Robertson Weighs In for '09
Last year he thought the crash would be in '09. He thinks the 08 crash was that which he predicted for '09.
Take this with a grain of salt. This is the man that picked pro-death Guliana for President.
He now thinks the economy will recover and the government will be more socalists'. But American World power is ended.
Click the title to go to my Spirit blog which will give the views of three spiritual men on the comming year.
Conspiracy of Silence
This is really ritual abuse, being inflicted on children by Satanically inspired individuals.
Click Header to take action against illegal police activities.
Mayflower Compact
"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620."
America, God calls you to return to your purpose! Every thing we do, everything we say and enact, is to be in the Name of Our Jah!
America, God calls you to return to your purpose! Every thing we do, everything we say and enact, is to be in the Name of Our Jah!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Is Posse Comitatus Dead?
Is Posse Comitatus Dead? US Troops on US Streets
"In a barely noticed development, a US Army unit is now training for domestic operations under the control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. An initial news report in the Army Times newspaper last month noted that in addition to emergency response the force “may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control.” The military has since claimed the force will not be used for civil unrest, but questions remain." Democracy Now
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"In a barely noticed development, a US Army unit is now training for domestic operations under the control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. An initial news report in the Army Times newspaper last month noted that in addition to emergency response the force “may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control.” The military has since claimed the force will not be used for civil unrest, but questions remain." Democracy Now
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Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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