One million jobs have been lost this year. Two Hundred thousand last month. If our government had not been such good liars, and the Corporate news had not been such good propaganda machines, the working population might have known this before now.
We the unemployed know there has been a recession bordering on depression for a long time.
The Elites plan, to destabilize the US economy and join it with Canada and Mexico is on schedule.
The Constitution has been so undermined with unconstitutional laws such as the Patriot Act, the John Warner Defense Act, and FISA, that we have little rights left as citizens. Yes the founders made a system so that the Constitution could be amended. But Constitutional amendment, and bad law are two different things. Bad laws such as the ones mentioned are unconstitutional and need struck down. These laws have taken away our inalienable rights, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The banker bailout was evil! It was not just bad policy! It was dictated by the furer 1, George Bush. We were told it would save the economy. It is lie.
We need a revolution. The last election was a sham. We don't need a candidate offered by the corporate two party monopoly. We need to take our government back from globalist money. For the next four years and probably eight we will have the Democratic "soul-lution" for our problem. In one sense it is good that a black man is president. But I doubt this was the right black man for the job. This nation needs to Repent unto the Kingdom and be led by the Spirit of Jah, not the soul of man. I think the US fell in love with the idea of a black president and gave this man a pass on policy, and experience.
What does Obama stand for? Change? To What? This is not what we the nation needed. We need truth, not hype. We need jobs, not programs. We need to return to true conservatism. John McCain was defeated on connection to Bush Doctrine and Neocon policy. He did not stand a chance. America said no to Bush and His Globalists ways.
But what change will we get?
We need a total breaking of this bad government. I doubt with the rising police state that the citizen can do it, unless Jah do it through us.
We call on you Jah, for empowerment for Revolution against the police state. Bring this thing down. Raise up a New America full of righteousness, peace, and joy!