Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Charlotte Iserbyt Dumbing Down America
Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World - Click here for more blooper videos
PART 1: Charlotte Iserbyt - Click here for more free videos
Alex Jones - Charlotte T. Iserbyt Pt2 - Click here for more free videos
Alternate Internet a prelude to total Shut down
From Rogue
"As the Internet continues to give rise to the alternative media, the technocrats are getting ready to bring its replacement online. Internet2 also known as “the grid” will have speeds 10,000 times faster than a regular broadband connection. Researchers are set to activate this new network over the summer so they can use it to collect information from a supercollider that they hope will recreate the big bang and the conditions that lead to the creation of the universe. Some believe that this experiment might cause the inadvertent destruction of the planet, but that’s another story. Unlike the Internet which was established off of existing.."
"As the Internet continues to give rise to the alternative media, the technocrats are getting ready to bring its replacement online. Internet2 also known as “the grid” will have speeds 10,000 times faster than a regular broadband connection. Researchers are set to activate this new network over the summer so they can use it to collect information from a supercollider that they hope will recreate the big bang and the conditions that lead to the creation of the universe. Some believe that this experiment might cause the inadvertent destruction of the planet, but that’s another story. Unlike the Internet which was established off of existing.."
Unconstitutional Legislation
Kucinich on HR 1955
December 2, 2007 | Posted in IndyBlog
By Jessica Lee, The Indypendent
"Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said that he believes the proposed Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act (H.R. 1955/S. 1959) is unconstitutional.
Speaking to a crowd of supporters in New York City Nov. 29, Kucinich took several questions from the audience, including my question on why he voted against the bill. Kucinich was one of only six representatives to oppose the bill, which passed the House 404-6 on Oct. 23.
“If you understand what his bill does, it really sets the stage for further criminalization of protest,” Kucinich said. “This is the way our democracy little, by little, by little, is being stripped away from us. This bill, I believe, is a clear violation of the first amendment.”..."
"As I asserted in an earlier post, a prime pastime in Washington DC these days seems to be to find ways to circumscribe, emasculate and otherwise render our Constitution’s Bill of Rights inoperative. Now comes Senate bill 1959, introduced by US Senator Susan Collins of Maine." from Left of Dayton
[ ].
December 2, 2007 | Posted in IndyBlog
By Jessica Lee, The Indypendent
"Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said that he believes the proposed Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act (H.R. 1955/S. 1959) is unconstitutional.
Speaking to a crowd of supporters in New York City Nov. 29, Kucinich took several questions from the audience, including my question on why he voted against the bill. Kucinich was one of only six representatives to oppose the bill, which passed the House 404-6 on Oct. 23.
“If you understand what his bill does, it really sets the stage for further criminalization of protest,” Kucinich said. “This is the way our democracy little, by little, by little, is being stripped away from us. This bill, I believe, is a clear violation of the first amendment.”..."
"As I asserted in an earlier post, a prime pastime in Washington DC these days seems to be to find ways to circumscribe, emasculate and otherwise render our Constitution’s Bill of Rights inoperative. Now comes Senate bill 1959, introduced by US Senator Susan Collins of Maine." from Left of Dayton
[ ].
Chuck Baldwin on Lou Dobbs
"We are facing total economic collapse!" Chuck Baldwin
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson
Patriots at the Polls
Our true choices as patriots.
We could write in Ron Paul,
We could vote for Bob Barr,
We could write in Chuck Baldwin,
We could write in ourselves or our favorite unknown patriot.
All these above choices are preferable to wasting a vote on the elitist McCain and Obama. Obama's globalist adviser is Brzezinski and McCain's is Kissinger. Duh..
The Major 2 parties are just different colored versions of the same junk car.
In 7 days we will know...what piece of shit vehicle will be carrying us on into globalism.
We could write in Ron Paul,
We could vote for Bob Barr,
We could write in Chuck Baldwin,
We could write in ourselves or our favorite unknown patriot.
All these above choices are preferable to wasting a vote on the elitist McCain and Obama. Obama's globalist adviser is Brzezinski and McCain's is Kissinger. Duh..
The Major 2 parties are just different colored versions of the same junk car.
In 7 days we will know...what piece of shit vehicle will be carrying us on into globalism.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Meet Bob Barr
Meet Bob Barr
October 24, 2008 3:47 pm EST
“The famed fat lady hasn’t sung yet, but she’s warming up. Sen. John McCain’s campaign has the feel of a farewell tour. His imminent loss gives conservatives another reason to drop the Republican Party.
The GOP long ago abandoned those who believe in limited government and individual liberty. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the Republican Party responded to new Democratic spending initiatives with “me too.” Richard Nixon embraced and signed into law much of today’s regulatory establishment.
Ronald Reagan attempted to break the cycle, but his successors returned to pre-Reagan patterns. The new House majority elected in 1994 also took a run against the status quo, but the Republican leadership soon started looking like the Democrats, putting reelection above principle.
Over much of the last eight years Republicans have controlled the presidency and the Congress, yet spending rose faster than any time since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.” Earmarks hit a record. The GOP increased domestic, as well as military, outlays. As a result, the budget for virtually every government agency, from the Department of Education to the Department of Health and Human Services, expanded.
In 2003, the president and Congress joined forces to enact the largest expansion of the welfare state in four decades. With Medicare and Social Security costs exploding—today we face $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities for these two programs alone—Congress approved, and the President signed, the Medicare drug benefit, adding trillions of dollars more to the bill facing future generations.
In 1980, Ronald Reagan campaigned to get rid of the Department of Education; however, President George W. Bush made this agency bigger and the Republican Congress gave it more power with the misnamed “No Child Left Behind Act." President Reagan deregulated oil prices. The Bush administration and Republican Congress have pushed more subsidies for the energy industry.
When the housing crisis broke, the administration supported a $300 billion industry bailout that included millions of dollars for ACORN, a virtual adjunct of the Democratic Party. The Republican president supported using hundreds of billions of dollars more to bail-out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, AIG insurance, and then all of Wall Street. We’re now over $2 trillion in bailouts—all of them supported by President Bush and Sen. McCain, and still there’s no end in sight.
Indeed, Sen. McCain wants to force taxpayers to buy up every bad mortgage in America—at face value, bailing-out every irresponsible lender and borrower in the country. Never mind looking out for the taxpayers who borrowed responsibly and pay their mortgage every month.
Yes, Sen. McCain has campaigned against earmarks, but they account for less than $20 billion a year, while the federal deficit in 2009 is expected to run as much as $1 trillion. And who can forget that when the Senate was considering the recent Wall Street bailout legislation after suffering an initial defeat in the House, Senator McCain was leading the effort to bulk it up with an additional $150 billion in sweeteners?
Moreover, the Republican Party has abandoned its commitment to constitutional government. The GOP once believed in federalism, but now it is the Republican Party that pushes to expand national control over education. Republicans once recognized that the national government was one of limited, enumerated powers, yet it was Sen. John McCain who led the congressional “investigation” of steroid use in baseball.
Even more serious has been the sustained presidential and congressional assault on the system of separation of powers and checks and balances. President Bush’s theory of the "unitary executive" assumes that the president can ignore any statute—even the Constitution—whenever he claims it is necessary for "national security." The Republican Congress aided and abetted the administration’s pervasive and systemic misconduct.
The Founders expected the president to act to protect America, but they also carefully designed the Constitution to limit government power and ensure accountability for those who exercised power. Conservatives once opposed executive aggrandizement by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, yet it is the modern-day Republican Party that has turned these liberal icons into its newest patron saints.
Finally, today’s GOP has adopted as its foreign policy the neoconservative ideology of global social engineering, irrespective of cost. Traditional conservative foreign policy emphasized defense of America, not endless war for nation building and democracy-promotion. Unfortunately, Sen. McCain, even more than President Bush, seems determined to sacrifice American lives and our country's wealth in a vain attempt to reorder the globe rather than defend America.
A conservative vote for Sen. McCain is a wasted vote. It is wasted because even if he is elected, he does not stand for conservative values and will not promote conservative values. Government will grow, spending will rise, and liberty will diminish.
But it looks increasingly likely that he won’t be elected, and no one will care about his vote totals if he loses. In contrast, a vote for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party will be noticed and will have a lasting, positive impact. A vote for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party will be a vote for liberty and for America’s future.”
Bob Barr
October 24, 2008 3:47 pm EST
“The famed fat lady hasn’t sung yet, but she’s warming up. Sen. John McCain’s campaign has the feel of a farewell tour. His imminent loss gives conservatives another reason to drop the Republican Party.
The GOP long ago abandoned those who believe in limited government and individual liberty. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the Republican Party responded to new Democratic spending initiatives with “me too.” Richard Nixon embraced and signed into law much of today’s regulatory establishment.
Ronald Reagan attempted to break the cycle, but his successors returned to pre-Reagan patterns. The new House majority elected in 1994 also took a run against the status quo, but the Republican leadership soon started looking like the Democrats, putting reelection above principle.
Over much of the last eight years Republicans have controlled the presidency and the Congress, yet spending rose faster than any time since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.” Earmarks hit a record. The GOP increased domestic, as well as military, outlays. As a result, the budget for virtually every government agency, from the Department of Education to the Department of Health and Human Services, expanded.
In 2003, the president and Congress joined forces to enact the largest expansion of the welfare state in four decades. With Medicare and Social Security costs exploding—today we face $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities for these two programs alone—Congress approved, and the President signed, the Medicare drug benefit, adding trillions of dollars more to the bill facing future generations.
In 1980, Ronald Reagan campaigned to get rid of the Department of Education; however, President George W. Bush made this agency bigger and the Republican Congress gave it more power with the misnamed “No Child Left Behind Act." President Reagan deregulated oil prices. The Bush administration and Republican Congress have pushed more subsidies for the energy industry.
When the housing crisis broke, the administration supported a $300 billion industry bailout that included millions of dollars for ACORN, a virtual adjunct of the Democratic Party. The Republican president supported using hundreds of billions of dollars more to bail-out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, AIG insurance, and then all of Wall Street. We’re now over $2 trillion in bailouts—all of them supported by President Bush and Sen. McCain, and still there’s no end in sight.
Indeed, Sen. McCain wants to force taxpayers to buy up every bad mortgage in America—at face value, bailing-out every irresponsible lender and borrower in the country. Never mind looking out for the taxpayers who borrowed responsibly and pay their mortgage every month.
Yes, Sen. McCain has campaigned against earmarks, but they account for less than $20 billion a year, while the federal deficit in 2009 is expected to run as much as $1 trillion. And who can forget that when the Senate was considering the recent Wall Street bailout legislation after suffering an initial defeat in the House, Senator McCain was leading the effort to bulk it up with an additional $150 billion in sweeteners?
Moreover, the Republican Party has abandoned its commitment to constitutional government. The GOP once believed in federalism, but now it is the Republican Party that pushes to expand national control over education. Republicans once recognized that the national government was one of limited, enumerated powers, yet it was Sen. John McCain who led the congressional “investigation” of steroid use in baseball.
Even more serious has been the sustained presidential and congressional assault on the system of separation of powers and checks and balances. President Bush’s theory of the "unitary executive" assumes that the president can ignore any statute—even the Constitution—whenever he claims it is necessary for "national security." The Republican Congress aided and abetted the administration’s pervasive and systemic misconduct.
The Founders expected the president to act to protect America, but they also carefully designed the Constitution to limit government power and ensure accountability for those who exercised power. Conservatives once opposed executive aggrandizement by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, yet it is the modern-day Republican Party that has turned these liberal icons into its newest patron saints.
Finally, today’s GOP has adopted as its foreign policy the neoconservative ideology of global social engineering, irrespective of cost. Traditional conservative foreign policy emphasized defense of America, not endless war for nation building and democracy-promotion. Unfortunately, Sen. McCain, even more than President Bush, seems determined to sacrifice American lives and our country's wealth in a vain attempt to reorder the globe rather than defend America.
A conservative vote for Sen. McCain is a wasted vote. It is wasted because even if he is elected, he does not stand for conservative values and will not promote conservative values. Government will grow, spending will rise, and liberty will diminish.
But it looks increasingly likely that he won’t be elected, and no one will care about his vote totals if he loses. In contrast, a vote for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party will be noticed and will have a lasting, positive impact. A vote for Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party will be a vote for liberty and for America’s future.”
Bob Barr
Vote Smart not Popular-Don't vote for evil!
Since Chuck Baldwin will not be on our Indiana ballot, you could still vote for Bob Bahr who will be. Or write in Chuck Baldwin. What ever we do will still be subject to the elitist and their vote counting system.
Either candidate, Baldwin, or Bahr, would be better then the control of the Elitist, and their approved choice between McCain and Obama.
Obama has been chosen to win. The corporate media have already confirmed him.
If you vote for McCain and he miraculously won, you'd only have another Bush. (100 years of war)
If you vote for an independent, and no votes show up for them in your precinct, you can make a case for voting fraud. (see videos below)
God break this evil!
Obama might end the war eventually, but he would spend just as much else where.
Only the Independent Candidates have Constitutional resolve and real answers. The big two are the choice between the lesser of two evils. Don't vote for evil!
Either candidate, Baldwin, or Bahr, would be better then the control of the Elitist, and their approved choice between McCain and Obama.
Obama has been chosen to win. The corporate media have already confirmed him.
If you vote for McCain and he miraculously won, you'd only have another Bush. (100 years of war)
If you vote for an independent, and no votes show up for them in your precinct, you can make a case for voting fraud. (see videos below)
God break this evil!
Obama might end the war eventually, but he would spend just as much else where.
Only the Independent Candidates have Constitutional resolve and real answers. The big two are the choice between the lesser of two evils. Don't vote for evil!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hacking Democracy
Our Voting machines are often programed to steal our votes. Who would know? well it is sad that our votes may not be counted. But ain't that America?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Look no Farther!
Since my first candidate for president Ron Paul dropped out, I have floundered a bit in having an answer for this nation. However, I have found a few people who are
far and away better people and candidates then the big two offer.
My first choice for president is Chuck Baldwin of the Constitutional Party.
Their stand is:
Pro life, Pro 2nd amendment, for closing borders, to get out of entangling alliances including wars and trade agreements. They are anti New World Order and for Constitutional government.
Personally, I need look no farther than Baldwin.
Other better choices then the big two, would be Bob Bahr and Ralph Nadar in that order.
far and away better people and candidates then the big two offer.
My first choice for president is Chuck Baldwin of the Constitutional Party.
Their stand is:
Pro life, Pro 2nd amendment, for closing borders, to get out of entangling alliances including wars and trade agreements. They are anti New World Order and for Constitutional government.
Personally, I need look no farther than Baldwin.
Other better choices then the big two, would be Bob Bahr and Ralph Nadar in that order.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Admission of Recession
27 states are in recession. That is two quarters of negative growth. (loss) Duh. We've known it for four years. They are finally admitting it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
For years now, I have blogged on the disintegration of the US. I have decided to refer you to Alex Jones on Info wars, as he is usually ahead of me. I would invite you also to look at the over 600, entries on this blog.
I will only ad a new blog entry here, when I see Alex is missing something.
For Spiritual insight go to my other blogs as listed in my personal info.
I will only ad a new blog entry here, when I see Alex is missing something.
For Spiritual insight go to my other blogs as listed in my personal info.
A Word from the Prophet
"America shall not be utterly destroyed but shall produce again after her first works. The true shall be seen and arise in rebuke to the old. You shall see the miracle in the place where you have not been before. You shall do a new thing, a new thing. You shall find My help in doing something new in me. "
Quote from a word on my Prophetic blog, entitled, "What I am Doing"
Quote from a word on my Prophetic blog, entitled, "What I am Doing"
Friday, October 17, 2008
Melt Down
The US is melting down right before our eyes. George Bush has surly been used effectively to undermine this Nation's sovereignty. Congress is just as bad as is he.
In today's prayers, don't forget to plead for vengeance for the blood of the innocent babies aborted and the soldiers sent off to die in an unholy war.
In today's prayers, don't forget to plead for vengeance for the blood of the innocent babies aborted and the soldiers sent off to die in an unholy war.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
For the People?
Silently, slowly and surly the globalist are taking apart our nation. The two political parties are infiltrated with globalist sellouts. They work to control and direct those true citizens who work in their parties, "for the People".
Our federal government is full of evil. This evil is as poison slowly killing the liberty we once had as a constitutional guarantee.
The FBI and CIA are being used to train and manipulate local police forces into their web of deception and to participate in their police state activities. Have you noticed how controlling local government is becoming? They are being led as sheep into the web of deception. Then they carry out the plans of the elites.
America is fallen. Since the institution of Abortion, this nation has continually slid into evil.
Over regulation of our society is the harbinger of the coming fascist state.
The bailout was opposed by 90% of the US citizens. They did it anyway.
Public servant, police man, city council member, if you are being controlled by those who Lord it over you, and a steady stream of regulation out of Washington, are you really working, "for the people?"
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up wake up, wake up wake up.....WAKE UP!!
Indiana Citizen--Mitch Daniels and Dick Lugar are globalist sell outs!! Mitch who led the charge to sell out out sovereign toll road to Dubai, honors Dick Lugar as his inspiration.
Our federal government is full of evil. This evil is as poison slowly killing the liberty we once had as a constitutional guarantee.
The FBI and CIA are being used to train and manipulate local police forces into their web of deception and to participate in their police state activities. Have you noticed how controlling local government is becoming? They are being led as sheep into the web of deception. Then they carry out the plans of the elites.
America is fallen. Since the institution of Abortion, this nation has continually slid into evil.
Over regulation of our society is the harbinger of the coming fascist state.
The bailout was opposed by 90% of the US citizens. They did it anyway.
Public servant, police man, city council member, if you are being controlled by those who Lord it over you, and a steady stream of regulation out of Washington, are you really working, "for the people?"
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up wake up, wake up wake up.....WAKE UP!!
Indiana Citizen--Mitch Daniels and Dick Lugar are globalist sell outs!! Mitch who led the charge to sell out out sovereign toll road to Dubai, honors Dick Lugar as his inspiration.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I do not think that the NWO will need to get involved in much fraud in this election.
Obama will win and I think that will suit them just fine. If not they will kill him and Joe Bidden will be their front man. And an appointment will take the VP place which would be who?
Revolution is the answer.
Obama will win and I think that will suit them just fine. If not they will kill him and Joe Bidden will be their front man. And an appointment will take the VP place which would be who?
Revolution is the answer.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Throw the Bums Out!
As the country slips into depression, it occurs to me that Dick Cheney and George Bush's attack on the World Trade Center ought to make even the blindest of us see that this government will do anything to give control of this nation to the Global Elites.
It is time to rise up and remove this criminal government from this nation.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Depression Looms
NEW YORK - "Wall Street tumbled again Monday, joining a sell-off around the world as fears grew that the financial crisis will cascade through economies globally despite bailout efforts by the U.S. and other governments. The Dow Jones industrials skidded nearly 500 points and fell below 10,000 for the first time in four years, while the credit markets remained under strain."
The markets have come to the realization that the Bush administration's $700billion rescue plan won't work quickly to unfreeze the credit markets, and that many banks are still having difficulty gaining access to cash.
As many who do not believe elite news said. "This thing will not work. The bailout is lie."
"The global economy, including its stock markets and banking system, is a decaying, dead corpse in process of a massive credit deflation. Until it hits absolute bottom (wherever and whenever that is), no life-support system will help. No government bailout at taxpayer expense will help. No nationalization of body parts (e.g., Fannie, Freddie, AIG) will help." Pat Wood
In my opinion the President and Vice President the Secretary of Treasury the Fed Charmian, the Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate need to be imprisoned for this bail out.
This is the biggest swindle of the American people in the history of this nation.
Until abortion on demand is overturned this nation cannot recover.
The markets have come to the realization that the Bush administration's $700billion rescue plan won't work quickly to unfreeze the credit markets, and that many banks are still having difficulty gaining access to cash.
As many who do not believe elite news said. "This thing will not work. The bailout is lie."
"The global economy, including its stock markets and banking system, is a decaying, dead corpse in process of a massive credit deflation. Until it hits absolute bottom (wherever and whenever that is), no life-support system will help. No government bailout at taxpayer expense will help. No nationalization of body parts (e.g., Fannie, Freddie, AIG) will help." Pat Wood
In my opinion the President and Vice President the Secretary of Treasury the Fed Charmian, the Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate need to be imprisoned for this bail out.
This is the biggest swindle of the American people in the history of this nation.
Until abortion on demand is overturned this nation cannot recover.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Justice Comes to "The Juice"
13 years ago to the day, OJ beat a murder rap on a technicality.
In the bible the number 13 often stands for: Rebellion, backsliding, and apostacy. This is a man who was apostate, who left his high given post through anger full grown.
13 years ago to the day, OJ beat a murder rap on a technicality.
In the bible the number 13 often stands for: Rebellion, backsliding, and apostacy. This is a man who was apostate, who left his high given post through anger full grown.
Government Bailout
WASHINGTON -- President George W. Bush signed into law an unprecedented $700 billion plan to rescue the U.S. financial system, one of the largest-ever government interventions in the nation's economy. It will go on, and on, folks. This is almost certainly not the last.
This Government is Criminal! It is reported that, they denied E mail from the people against this, to do this. They said the E-mail had begun to be favorable. They used the elite media to promote this bill. It is all deception!
Vote the Bums out! Impeach the rest who voted for it!
This Government is Criminal! It is reported that, they denied E mail from the people against this, to do this. They said the E-mail had begun to be favorable. They used the elite media to promote this bill. It is all deception!
Vote the Bums out! Impeach the rest who voted for it!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
No Bailout
The House of Reps. began limiting the delivery of E-mail to keep their computer from crashing. The people have spoken. They are against this thing.
If they bail out "Wall Street" we need to put everyone of them on "The Street", looking for a new job! The bailout is evil, taking from the poor and giving to the rich.
This bailout is economic terrorism that they are forcing down our throats. They are using scare tactics but we hope the Citizen sees through it. Turns out, the stock market fall was manipulated. This is pure government elitist evil. Yet I doubt they could cause it to fall 777 points. That was God saying: "Look into this thing". God is in control. This nation's leadership is being exposed.
A Boycott of certain companies, and the use of alternate media, are the way to fight them now. We could boycott week companies to make them flounder, this forcing them to change thier tactics.
Remember, remember the fourth of November, a day to cast your vote against the evil of this present terrorist government. Yet there is no righteous man to vote for, for president. We will vote, but we know this:
It will take riots in the streets to get our Republic back in the hands of the citizen! God will help us in this. You must begin to believe Neo. We still have strength to fight back. We will fight back.
No! to Senate bailout. No! to House bailout.
If they bail out "Wall Street" we need to put everyone of them on "The Street", looking for a new job! The bailout is evil, taking from the poor and giving to the rich.
This bailout is economic terrorism that they are forcing down our throats. They are using scare tactics but we hope the Citizen sees through it. Turns out, the stock market fall was manipulated. This is pure government elitist evil. Yet I doubt they could cause it to fall 777 points. That was God saying: "Look into this thing". God is in control. This nation's leadership is being exposed.
A Boycott of certain companies, and the use of alternate media, are the way to fight them now. We could boycott week companies to make them flounder, this forcing them to change thier tactics.
Remember, remember the fourth of November, a day to cast your vote against the evil of this present terrorist government. Yet there is no righteous man to vote for, for president. We will vote, but we know this:
It will take riots in the streets to get our Republic back in the hands of the citizen! God will help us in this. You must begin to believe Neo. We still have strength to fight back. We will fight back.
No! to Senate bailout. No! to House bailout.
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