By Paul Craig Roberts.
Finally a nationally known political commentator with my sense of subtle sarcastic humor!
Yes Virginia, we've traded our Republic for an Empire!
Roberts says:
"Who will save us from Bush’s police state?
Just as Child Protective Services has had to frame innocent parents and child care providers as child abusers in order to justify its budgets and a massive bureaucracy, the vast Homeland Security apparatus will have to "find" terrorists. Otherwise, there is no point to all the expanded police powers and the huge budget. "
"Round up the usual suspects boys.."
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Ron Paul on Bail Out
Your E mail protest may have turned the tide against the Evil Empire of Bush.
Ron Paul said when the vote was announced, "there was dead silence in the House". This will happen more and more as Jah, stops this government dead in its tracks. This nation will be saved. This government will be overturned. Jah's truth will raise up a New U.S. A U.S. that will honor Jah.
This was a victory for Freedom!
Melt Down
An amazing thing has happened. The house did not give the rubber stamp to the Bush bailout of the Rich. This caused Wall Street and the Dow, to its biggest loss ever. It is evil to bailout the rich by taking money from the poor.
These things scare the Godless. That is what needs to happen. I have hope when I see this government faltering. It needs to repent to its own constitution.
This nation must return to God to find its way. There is no other way. Jah is calling. Will we return? I think it will take a total melt down. So be it.
So long as abortion is the law of the land, the US must suffer loss. We need to elect men who believe that Jah is God. It would be better to cast a no vote then to vote for a pro death candidate. I may cast several no votes in November.
These things scare the Godless. That is what needs to happen. I have hope when I see this government faltering. It needs to repent to its own constitution.
This nation must return to God to find its way. There is no other way. Jah is calling. Will we return? I think it will take a total melt down. So be it.
So long as abortion is the law of the land, the US must suffer loss. We need to elect men who believe that Jah is God. It would be better to cast a no vote then to vote for a pro death candidate. I may cast several no votes in November.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Revolution is Coming
The bail out is criminal. The government is criminal. They will not listen. They are evil.
We must vote against these evil people who are ruining this nation. The Constitution made it our duty to do so!
We must vote against these evil people who are ruining this nation. The Constitution made it our duty to do so!
Congress Reports Martial Law
Rep. Burgess: Congress “under Martial Law” to pass banker bailout bill
D. H. Williams
Daily Newscaster
September 28, 2008
"Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) reports from the floor of the House that the Republicans have been cut out of the process and called unpatriotic for not blindly supporting the fraudulent bailout. He says the only debate has been about what talking points to use on the American people. The most ominous revelation is when he claims the Speaker has declared martial law."
Read whole article at
D. H. Williams
Daily Newscaster
September 28, 2008
"Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) reports from the floor of the House that the Republicans have been cut out of the process and called unpatriotic for not blindly supporting the fraudulent bailout. He says the only debate has been about what talking points to use on the American people. The most ominous revelation is when he claims the Speaker has declared martial law."
Read whole article at
Sunday, September 28, 2008
As Expected Congress betrays America
Congress sells out the taxpayer and moves forward on nation destroying tax bail-out.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
No Bailout for Wall Street
This bailout is a bankers scam!!!!! This bailout will weaken the Nation, not save it. It is pure evil. Pure Bush/Cheney Evil. Pure Elite government terrorism against the taxpayer.
This bailout is a bankers scam!!!!! This bailout will weaken the Nation, not save it. It is pure evil. Pure Bush/Cheney Evil. Pure Elite government terrorism against the taxpayer.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bail Out Scam
Joseph Stiglitz: Bailout Scam “Monstrous”
Zogby International
September 26, 2008
Also Check out the Ron Paul article at INFOWARS
"The Congressman said that Greenspan and Bernanke should be criminally charged but that such an effort would be largely symbolic. “Morally speaking, they’re the culprits,” said Paul."
"Congressman Ron Paul says that the bailout bill is likely to pass, heralding a 10-year plus economic depression for America and the potential for martial law should civil unrest arise as the financial meltdown worsens." INFOWARS
Zogby International
September 26, 2008
Also Check out the Ron Paul article at INFOWARS
"The Congressman said that Greenspan and Bernanke should be criminally charged but that such an effort would be largely symbolic. “Morally speaking, they’re the culprits,” said Paul."
"Congressman Ron Paul says that the bailout bill is likely to pass, heralding a 10-year plus economic depression for America and the potential for martial law should civil unrest arise as the financial meltdown worsens." INFOWARS
Organized Labor on The Bail Out
"The Bush administration wants us to pay the freight for a Wall Street bailout that does not even begin to address the roots of our crisis," said AFL-CIO National President John Sweeney.
"We want our tax dollars used to provide a hand up for the millions of working people who live on Main Street and not a handout to a privileged band of overpaid executives."
"We want our tax dollars used to provide a hand up for the millions of working people who live on Main Street and not a handout to a privileged band of overpaid executives."
Church Prophets are weighing in on the Bank Bailout. Some say it is good. I say it is evil. Beware America.
Remember there is a lying spirit sent to deceive many.
Remember there is a lying spirit sent to deceive many.
WA Mutual Taken Over
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - "Washington Mutual Inc was closed by the U.S. government in by far the largest failure of a U.S. bank, and its banking assets were sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co for $1.9 billion.
Thursday's seizure and sale is the latest historic step in U.S. government attempts to clean up a banking industry littered with toxic mortgage debt. Negotiations over a $700 billion bailout of the entire financial system stalled in Washington on Thursday"
The melt down of the USA continues on the NWO Schedule. Their goal, total annihilation of the US economy, so that the US will be forced into the North American Union. Then more global law, then more control, then a total police state.
Wake up sheep. The hour is late. Still think the economy is strong John McCain?
But with the bailout, WallStreet rallied! Wow, what a bunch of vultures! But China told their banks not to loan the Nation any more money...Duh
Thursday's seizure and sale is the latest historic step in U.S. government attempts to clean up a banking industry littered with toxic mortgage debt. Negotiations over a $700 billion bailout of the entire financial system stalled in Washington on Thursday"
The melt down of the USA continues on the NWO Schedule. Their goal, total annihilation of the US economy, so that the US will be forced into the North American Union. Then more global law, then more control, then a total police state.
Wake up sheep. The hour is late. Still think the economy is strong John McCain?
But with the bailout, WallStreet rallied! Wow, what a bunch of vultures! But China told their banks not to loan the Nation any more money...Duh
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Depression Ahead
Make no doubt about it. The country's economy is in a planned economic crises. This Congress should have told the FED and the Treasury and Bush, NO! Instead the passing of an unchallengeable bill will now ensure that this nation will go into depression.
We just traded short term relief for long term failure.
This is not just a 700 Billion Buck Bailout. Some say it is going to be around 5 trillion eventually. Wow..
Even conservative men are afraid not to do it because they know the Country is in a depression slide. Real unemployment is 15%.
We need jobs, not imports. We need a whole new Congress. Fire them all! We need a government for the people again. Stop the bailout! The president spoke words of witchcraft over this nation. His words have seduced many. Even true prophets of God.
God help us!
We just traded short term relief for long term failure.
This is not just a 700 Billion Buck Bailout. Some say it is going to be around 5 trillion eventually. Wow..
Even conservative men are afraid not to do it because they know the Country is in a depression slide. Real unemployment is 15%.
We need jobs, not imports. We need a whole new Congress. Fire them all! We need a government for the people again. Stop the bailout! The president spoke words of witchcraft over this nation. His words have seduced many. Even true prophets of God.
God help us!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What we are Facing
Years ago I often E-mailed the White house, warning George Bush to come out of his father's globalist house. He did not. We have a country in melt down now. It has become clear that Iraq was never about nukes. They found none. It was not about Terrorism, they changed their story on that. It was not about anything but oil. Control of oil.
The US has been kidnapped by globalist forces. It is now the country they are using to bring forth the enslaving of the whole world. We the tax payer are sold on wars and policies that have nothing to do with our good. They are part of the plan to break the world, and enslave it to the Rothschild/Rockefeller NWO. Paying taxes is the most unpatriotic thing we do, for our wealth is being used to destroy the country.
This nation is evil. It is overrun with evil men, with a Global mindset. The nation has fallen. It will take a revolution to change it. We must organize against this criminal government.
I was glad when I heard the FBI was going to investigate the recent bail out scam. They ought to investigate Bush too. But who will investigate the FBI? They are as criminal as the CIA.
This nation has been on a wrong course since it outlawed prayer in schools, It continued with legalized murder of babies, and from there it has been a steady slide into the dehumanization of life. The citizen is chattel. We are used for tax revenue. Our rights through the John Warner Defense Act, the Patriot Act, Fisa Wiretap, have been stolen. We are the most bound nation in the world now.
Our government leaders will not change directions. They are hell bent on our enslavement. We the People must arise and stand against the tyranny of the two party paradigm lie. We must take back the nation or we will be murdered for their purposes.
Vote independent. Although we will not change anything that way, it is still a statement to our lying governmental leaders that we hate what they have done to this nation. Real change will no doubt include either a true spiritual revival, or the citizen rising up with guns to throw evil leadership out of office. I pray for revival. Either way the future years will be hard. If we do not rise up, in a few short years we will all be facing our own Ruby Ridge, Waco, or Oklahoma City.
The US has been kidnapped by globalist forces. It is now the country they are using to bring forth the enslaving of the whole world. We the tax payer are sold on wars and policies that have nothing to do with our good. They are part of the plan to break the world, and enslave it to the Rothschild/Rockefeller NWO. Paying taxes is the most unpatriotic thing we do, for our wealth is being used to destroy the country.
This nation is evil. It is overrun with evil men, with a Global mindset. The nation has fallen. It will take a revolution to change it. We must organize against this criminal government.
I was glad when I heard the FBI was going to investigate the recent bail out scam. They ought to investigate Bush too. But who will investigate the FBI? They are as criminal as the CIA.
This nation has been on a wrong course since it outlawed prayer in schools, It continued with legalized murder of babies, and from there it has been a steady slide into the dehumanization of life. The citizen is chattel. We are used for tax revenue. Our rights through the John Warner Defense Act, the Patriot Act, Fisa Wiretap, have been stolen. We are the most bound nation in the world now.
Our government leaders will not change directions. They are hell bent on our enslavement. We the People must arise and stand against the tyranny of the two party paradigm lie. We must take back the nation or we will be murdered for their purposes.
Vote independent. Although we will not change anything that way, it is still a statement to our lying governmental leaders that we hate what they have done to this nation. Real change will no doubt include either a true spiritual revival, or the citizen rising up with guns to throw evil leadership out of office. I pray for revival. Either way the future years will be hard. If we do not rise up, in a few short years we will all be facing our own Ruby Ridge, Waco, or Oklahoma City.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
You do the Net Search!
It has been reported that Nashville has been out of gas since Thursday. Many elite news articles say things like "Some Nashville Stations short of Gas". This is evidentially lie
Some one from Nashville comment here!
Some one from Nashville comment here!
The Elites have Tunnels to Hide in During Nuclear times
Monday, September 22, 2008
The 5th of November from "V"

"Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot ;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot
A penny loaf to feed ol'Pope,
A farthing cheese to choke him.
A pint of beer to rinse it down,
A faggot of sticks to burn him.
Burn him in a tub of tar,'
Burn him like a blazing star.
Burn his body from his head,
Then we'll say: ol'Pope is dead"
Freedom Forever!
Our criminal Government is forcing the people to rise and stand against their tyranny. Vote for revolution, on the 4Th, not party! Make the fourth of November our new Independence Day. The two they offer as our choices are both evil and neither will bring change. Rise, inform yourself. The revolution is at hand. Satan has blinded the masses. You are slaves and you do not know it. Freedom is all but gone in this land.
Friday, September 19, 2008
GM Bailout
Last weekend GM got a $50 billion US Treasury loan supposedly for the development of electric cars and low gas consumption vehicles. This was no doubt just to fend off bankruptcy by GM.
If GM wanted to produce electric cars they should have called the Tesla Company. They make one. This instead of calling on the US tax Payer for a bailout.
With the GM bailout, the Taxpayer, has been called upon to bail out a company that was once one of the the biggest money making companies in the world. GM salaries are high. Yet they don't seem to mind calling on the poor "hand-to-mouth" tax paying worker in other American Industry, to keep their pampered lifestyle going. This is evil.
Too late for GM. It seems it was a bit slow on the Electric car. Tesla is building a factory in the Silicon Valley.
Thirty years ago GM boasted of the cars of the future. They had all kinds of ideas for development of those cars. But they stuck with gas powered vehicles. They have become a dinosaur. They will eventually bankrupt under their present leadership. They could have led the world into the age of the electric car, and hydrogen powered, cars. Instead they will just be another great failure in the story of the Gloablist take over of the US. Greed and pride seem to go hand in hand.
This government is schizophrenic. They bail out an industry that is being destroyed largely due to their globalist inspired "sell out" energy policies and so call "Free Trade". That which marks both GM and our Government is hubris. They are the blind leading the blind. They will both fall into an abyss.
If GM wanted to produce electric cars they should have called the Tesla Company. They make one. This instead of calling on the US tax Payer for a bailout.
With the GM bailout, the Taxpayer, has been called upon to bail out a company that was once one of the the biggest money making companies in the world. GM salaries are high. Yet they don't seem to mind calling on the poor "hand-to-mouth" tax paying worker in other American Industry, to keep their pampered lifestyle going. This is evil.
Too late for GM. It seems it was a bit slow on the Electric car. Tesla is building a factory in the Silicon Valley.
Thirty years ago GM boasted of the cars of the future. They had all kinds of ideas for development of those cars. But they stuck with gas powered vehicles. They have become a dinosaur. They will eventually bankrupt under their present leadership. They could have led the world into the age of the electric car, and hydrogen powered, cars. Instead they will just be another great failure in the story of the Gloablist take over of the US. Greed and pride seem to go hand in hand.
This government is schizophrenic. They bail out an industry that is being destroyed largely due to their globalist inspired "sell out" energy policies and so call "Free Trade". That which marks both GM and our Government is hubris. They are the blind leading the blind. They will both fall into an abyss.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ukraine’s government falls apart
September 16, 2008
"Ukraine’s ruling pro-Western coalition has officially collapsed, the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament says.
President Viktor Yushchenko has been involved in a long-running dispute with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
The president’s Our Ukraine bloc left the coalition earlier this month. Parliament now has 30 days to try to form a new ruling coalition.
If those efforts fail, Mr Yushchenko can dissolve parliament and call a snap election......"
September 16, 2008
"Ukraine’s ruling pro-Western coalition has officially collapsed, the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament says.
President Viktor Yushchenko has been involved in a long-running dispute with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
The president’s Our Ukraine bloc left the coalition earlier this month. Parliament now has 30 days to try to form a new ruling coalition.
If those efforts fail, Mr Yushchenko can dissolve parliament and call a snap election......"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Global Slide.....
LONDON (Reuters) - Quarterly profits at top U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs slid 70 percent on Tuesday and shares in Britain's HBOS plunged by about a third as financial sector carnage snowballed beyond insurer AIG.
Free Trade Comment
I have grown tired of the political voices which call me a protectionist. These are the voices that almost panic anytime any one like me says we need trade tariffs to protect the American worker.
You can Panic now.
We need trade tariffs to protect the American worker.
This nation is sliding into an abyss. It will never recover so long as the globalist sell outs in our government, continue to give all the pie to China and Mexico. I have no problem with trade without tariffs when it is done with a nation that has an economy which employs its workers with wages comparable to the US. Canada, and Japan are not the problem.
I agree we have a global economy. I agree that trade with other nations can be good. But I hate what the Bush, Clinton, Bush domination of this nation has done to the American Worker and his oppressed family.
To keep free trade as policy, the government has been lying about jobs and employment in America. YOU ARE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE!
Just thought I'd tell you, God is against you traitors of American Sovereignty. You are falling in with the evil plan for the destruction of this Nation, buy the Rockefeller/Rothschild group.
America is falling. All can now see it. 500 points in the stock market in one day. WOW!! Bank failures on the rise! This is not a normal economic cycle! This is a melt down!
You can Panic now.
We need trade tariffs to protect the American worker.
This nation is sliding into an abyss. It will never recover so long as the globalist sell outs in our government, continue to give all the pie to China and Mexico. I have no problem with trade without tariffs when it is done with a nation that has an economy which employs its workers with wages comparable to the US. Canada, and Japan are not the problem.
I agree we have a global economy. I agree that trade with other nations can be good. But I hate what the Bush, Clinton, Bush domination of this nation has done to the American Worker and his oppressed family.
To keep free trade as policy, the government has been lying about jobs and employment in America. YOU ARE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE!
Just thought I'd tell you, God is against you traitors of American Sovereignty. You are falling in with the evil plan for the destruction of this Nation, buy the Rockefeller/Rothschild group.
America is falling. All can now see it. 500 points in the stock market in one day. WOW!! Bank failures on the rise! This is not a normal economic cycle! This is a melt down!
World Markets respond To Lehman Bankruptcy
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bank Runs To Begin
By Patrick Wood, Editor
September 15, 2008
"The immediate aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy will be a massive and manic flight to liquidity and withdrawal of funds and credit from banks, S&L's, insurance companies and brokerages, leading to more failures...
Nothing can stop it at this point.....
The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy is the largest in the history of the world."
Go to this web page to read more.
To add to this, the Dow dropped 500 points today. The largest drop since Sept. 11, 2001.
September 15, 2008
"The immediate aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy will be a massive and manic flight to liquidity and withdrawal of funds and credit from banks, S&L's, insurance companies and brokerages, leading to more failures...
Nothing can stop it at this point.....
The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy is the largest in the history of the world."
Go to this web page to read more.
To add to this, the Dow dropped 500 points today. The largest drop since Sept. 11, 2001.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
One for the Road George?

I imagine this man will spend the rest of his life drunk, trying to crucify the remembrance of his evil leadership, and the destruction of American hope. Na.. he has no conscience, he'll be drunk cause he is a fool. Note: A puppet has no trouble being held up by others.
Oh.. ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer...
When Facism Comes to America
Constitutioanl Patriot Ron Paul:
Thank God for Ron's true patriotic stand. Yes, Fascism has long been here Dr. Paul....
Understand that so-called "government leaders", use their patriotism, or their purported good intentions as proof that they are, "for the people". I have seen few politicians that are for "The People". Mostly, they are for their agendas. Unlike Dr. Paul, they do not represent the people any longer. They represent the globalist, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds.
Our government is corrupt. This from City Hall to the White House. McCain is not the answer. There is a current in Christendom, that McCain and His running mate Palin, are "The Answer". They are not. The Republican party has long left Conservatism. Liberal Bill Clinton did not spend near the Money that George Bush has. Who is liberal? All is lie.
Don't be fooled by flag waving nor by bible quoting. Remember Satan quotes/misquotes scripture. Be convinced by fact and policy. Seek truth. I pray that the church not follow the leaders who are ramming McCain down our throats. He is not God's answer any more then Obama is. Jesus is not Republican, He is God. If these men are of God, God's judgment is to give the US, over to its own evil heart. No, these men are evil.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. " Sinclair Lewis, 1935
America is governed by corporate interest. Corporate/banking fascism is our lot. American leaders are given a solemn Constitutional responsibility to serve the people and put their interest first. Instead they consistently sell out the sovereignty of this nation. We have a President that is "having the time of his life", getting drunk, all the while sending more of our young to death in an illegal and immoral war. Bush has sold out the worker for Communist Chinese, and "other nation" advancement. Our nation's policy advances globalism. The "land of the free", which the truly brave fight for, is myth. It has been Hi-jacked by the "One World Movement". Call this nation, "The land of the deceived, the home of the oppressed."
McCain is a Bushite, a globalist shill. But some leaders of the Prophetic Church are giving McCain/Palin the "thumbs up". This endorsement is over the "one" issue of Abortion. Some even have "prophetic visions" to support their choice. Woah...I remember here something about a lying spirit in the mouth of the prophets.
I too, hate abortion. I have fought it for thirty years. But just because I agree with that issue does not lead me to vote Republican. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. To do so, is to vote for evil.
Under Regan I became a Conservative. Since then I have more become more a Constitutional- Libertarian. I am ashamed of the Republican Party. It is evil. I have learned, that the kingdom, is the answer. There is no hope in our government, none. George Bush has led this nation to the murder of over four-thousand Young American boys. We have led in Iraq, the murder of over one-hundred-thousand, to one-million inhabitants of that country.
Yet you sheep are going to give McCain or Obama, "carte blanche" to murder in the middle-east, and further sell out the nation to globalsim. Facism waves the flag, and puts the boot down on the neck of freedom.
Satan says: "If you be a son of God, stand with McCain" (ie..jump from the temple of truth) Become one of us. (ie. you shall be like God if you eat of this fruit)
The sheep say: "OK, we can do that. Bahh, I think McCain will do OK. Bahh..What is on TV?,"
The Patriot says: "Thou Shall not tempt the son of God. "
To vote for God's choice for recovery of the greatness of America, you will most likely need a "write-in" Ballot.
Thank God for Ron's true patriotic stand. Yes, Fascism has long been here Dr. Paul....
Understand that so-called "government leaders", use their patriotism, or their purported good intentions as proof that they are, "for the people". I have seen few politicians that are for "The People". Mostly, they are for their agendas. Unlike Dr. Paul, they do not represent the people any longer. They represent the globalist, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds.
Our government is corrupt. This from City Hall to the White House. McCain is not the answer. There is a current in Christendom, that McCain and His running mate Palin, are "The Answer". They are not. The Republican party has long left Conservatism. Liberal Bill Clinton did not spend near the Money that George Bush has. Who is liberal? All is lie.
Don't be fooled by flag waving nor by bible quoting. Remember Satan quotes/misquotes scripture. Be convinced by fact and policy. Seek truth. I pray that the church not follow the leaders who are ramming McCain down our throats. He is not God's answer any more then Obama is. Jesus is not Republican, He is God. If these men are of God, God's judgment is to give the US, over to its own evil heart. No, these men are evil.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. " Sinclair Lewis, 1935
America is governed by corporate interest. Corporate/banking fascism is our lot. American leaders are given a solemn Constitutional responsibility to serve the people and put their interest first. Instead they consistently sell out the sovereignty of this nation. We have a President that is "having the time of his life", getting drunk, all the while sending more of our young to death in an illegal and immoral war. Bush has sold out the worker for Communist Chinese, and "other nation" advancement. Our nation's policy advances globalism. The "land of the free", which the truly brave fight for, is myth. It has been Hi-jacked by the "One World Movement". Call this nation, "The land of the deceived, the home of the oppressed."
McCain is a Bushite, a globalist shill. But some leaders of the Prophetic Church are giving McCain/Palin the "thumbs up". This endorsement is over the "one" issue of Abortion. Some even have "prophetic visions" to support their choice. Woah...I remember here something about a lying spirit in the mouth of the prophets.
I too, hate abortion. I have fought it for thirty years. But just because I agree with that issue does not lead me to vote Republican. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. To do so, is to vote for evil.
Under Regan I became a Conservative. Since then I have more become more a Constitutional- Libertarian. I am ashamed of the Republican Party. It is evil. I have learned, that the kingdom, is the answer. There is no hope in our government, none. George Bush has led this nation to the murder of over four-thousand Young American boys. We have led in Iraq, the murder of over one-hundred-thousand, to one-million inhabitants of that country.
Yet you sheep are going to give McCain or Obama, "carte blanche" to murder in the middle-east, and further sell out the nation to globalsim. Facism waves the flag, and puts the boot down on the neck of freedom.
Satan says: "If you be a son of God, stand with McCain" (ie..jump from the temple of truth) Become one of us. (ie. you shall be like God if you eat of this fruit)
The sheep say: "OK, we can do that. Bahh, I think McCain will do OK. Bahh..What is on TV?,"
The Patriot says: "Thou Shall not tempt the son of God. "
To vote for God's choice for recovery of the greatness of America, you will most likely need a "write-in" Ballot.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Open Debates!
What would happen if the US was actually a free country and the presidential debates were open to all major candidates? What if there were no exclusion of the likes of a Ron Paul, Ralph Nadar, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, and more? What would we have?
We might have Truth actually coming from our TVs!
Corporate Media is evil. Its monopolies must be broken. The debates are controlled by "The Commission on Presidential Debates", which is funded by Corporate America and controlled by the Two Major Political Parties.
We might have Truth actually coming from our TVs!
Corporate Media is evil. Its monopolies must be broken. The debates are controlled by "The Commission on Presidential Debates", which is funded by Corporate America and controlled by the Two Major Political Parties.
Chuck Baldwin for President-Ron Paul's Obvious Successor
The reason to vote independent. Keep the heat on!!!
Some people speak of America as if she is being lost to globalist. I speak of her as being lost already, but in hopes she may recover. Considering a recovery, there is no hope of recovery or of fixing the present Government. It must be replaced with a better government. The Constitution gives us this right, yeah duty.
While we still have time to speak let every American make his voice known on blogs on the Internet, and in every other venue available. The evil elitist government plans to take the Internet away. We must speak now. If you are not a writer, at least make a comment on blogs that tell the truth. The blogs and a few web sights are the only source of real news on the Internet. Almost all of the corporately sponsored newscast, only make "press releases", meant to direct people from the truth.
The offering of McCain and Obama, are proof that there will be no real change politically in our country in the coming four years. The change will only be on what projects our tax dollars will go for. Indeed each year, all our tax revenues are already spent for interest on borrowed monies from the Fed, and through foreign entanglements.
Our elitist controlled government has left the principals of our founders. This America is false and has left its call by God. It is in judgment for the sin of Abortion. There will never be an "America the Great" again, unless we turn away from murdering children in the womb. Never.
We see the Bush Administration has failed to build the fence on the Mexico border. Duh, they never intended to and the next administration may not fund it. It is the avenue that most illegal drugs are imported but the fence may be useless anyway since the CIA, is often cited by bloggers, as the largest importer of illegal drugs.
This nation will never have God's blessing that made it great until, it return to God. Never.
While we still have time to speak let every American make his voice known on blogs on the Internet, and in every other venue available. The evil elitist government plans to take the Internet away. We must speak now. If you are not a writer, at least make a comment on blogs that tell the truth. The blogs and a few web sights are the only source of real news on the Internet. Almost all of the corporately sponsored newscast, only make "press releases", meant to direct people from the truth.
The offering of McCain and Obama, are proof that there will be no real change politically in our country in the coming four years. The change will only be on what projects our tax dollars will go for. Indeed each year, all our tax revenues are already spent for interest on borrowed monies from the Fed, and through foreign entanglements.
Our elitist controlled government has left the principals of our founders. This America is false and has left its call by God. It is in judgment for the sin of Abortion. There will never be an "America the Great" again, unless we turn away from murdering children in the womb. Never.
We see the Bush Administration has failed to build the fence on the Mexico border. Duh, they never intended to and the next administration may not fund it. It is the avenue that most illegal drugs are imported but the fence may be useless anyway since the CIA, is often cited by bloggers, as the largest importer of illegal drugs.
This nation will never have God's blessing that made it great until, it return to God. Never.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
For Hope
There are plagues being released that the world elitist with all their monies will not be able to keep away from their tents. These are not the viruses they made and released into the citizenry. This is rather God’s wrath being poured out on a world that has rejected its maker. Actually they have always been here. we now see them for, God has removed His hand of protection from America.
Are you Hopeless?
Are you Hopeless?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wellfare for the Rich
Globalist Ultimatum: Pay up or Collapse
By Patrick Wood, Editor
Posted on the August Review:
September 10, 2008
"There’s going to be no end of controversy over the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
On September 9, 2008, CNBC’s popular financial show “Squawk Box Europe” interviewed Jim Rogers (CEO of Rogers Holding) on his view of the government takeover of Fannie and Freddie:
“You can see that this is welfare for the rich. This is socialism for the rich. It’s bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters... This is outrageous. Who are these people who are taking our money and doing this and ruining America?"
Who, indeed!
On March 21, 2008, The August Review wrote,
“As the global financial crisis unfolds, one thing is certain: The major investment and commercial banks who have wrecked our economy and financial system are now successfully sucking unlimited amounts of money from the people's Treasury to bail themselves out.” "
Read all about it:
By Patrick Wood, Editor
Posted on the August Review:
September 10, 2008
"There’s going to be no end of controversy over the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
On September 9, 2008, CNBC’s popular financial show “Squawk Box Europe” interviewed Jim Rogers (CEO of Rogers Holding) on his view of the government takeover of Fannie and Freddie:
“You can see that this is welfare for the rich. This is socialism for the rich. It’s bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters... This is outrageous. Who are these people who are taking our money and doing this and ruining America?"
Who, indeed!
On March 21, 2008, The August Review wrote,
“As the global financial crisis unfolds, one thing is certain: The major investment and commercial banks who have wrecked our economy and financial system are now successfully sucking unlimited amounts of money from the people's Treasury to bail themselves out.” "
Read all about it:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
As posted on Emmaus Road Prophet
Truth or Consequences?
Many of you will be headed off to the polls this November, to elect a president. Many of you will judge or make your choice, according to the false paradigm of Right and Left.
"Life" and knowledge of "good and evil" (Right and wrong) are not the same. When you pick the lesser of two evils you still pick evil. Truth is what we seek. Which national candidate majors in Truth? Is the right more godly because they favor limiting abortion, when they have sent thousands to their death in an unholy war?
The political spirit is at work giving us false hope in our candidates. The Right/ Left choice is lie. Evil is evil. If you pick evil, you pick evil. Vote for truth, even if it means abstaining from voting for a major party candidate. You cannot give your vote of confidence to men who are evil.
How long I have mourned the vote I cast for Bush 2. I could have abstained or voted for an independent. What will McCain or Obama turn our country into? The consequence of a vote for either will be something I cannot agree with. Both look to further rape our constitution and limit our freedoms. They are evil.
Many of you will be headed off to the polls this November, to elect a president. Many of you will judge or make your choice, according to the false paradigm of Right and Left.
"Life" and knowledge of "good and evil" (Right and wrong) are not the same. When you pick the lesser of two evils you still pick evil. Truth is what we seek. Which national candidate majors in Truth? Is the right more godly because they favor limiting abortion, when they have sent thousands to their death in an unholy war?
The political spirit is at work giving us false hope in our candidates. The Right/ Left choice is lie. Evil is evil. If you pick evil, you pick evil. Vote for truth, even if it means abstaining from voting for a major party candidate. You cannot give your vote of confidence to men who are evil.
How long I have mourned the vote I cast for Bush 2. I could have abstained or voted for an independent. What will McCain or Obama turn our country into? The consequence of a vote for either will be something I cannot agree with. Both look to further rape our constitution and limit our freedoms. They are evil.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Putin: U.S. Staged Georgian Conflict
Says U.S. citizens engaged in conflict, armed and trained Georgian troops.
Aluminum Can Alzheimer's Tie
This information and much more is found at the web sight listed below.
From Dr. David Williams
Dear Friend:
"Unfortunately, Alzheimer's has become one of the diseases of our age, and although the jury is still out regarding aluminum and its exact role in Alzheimer's disease, I'm still recommending that you do everything possible to cut your ingestion of this toxic substance. Yes, aluminum is highly toxic. But for years, every time the possible connection between aluminum and brain malfunction was mentioned, the media, orthodox medicine, and the Food & Drug Administration reassured the public there was nothing to worry about. As you might expect, it's beginning to look as if they were wrong."
"We may not know for sure why aluminum is associated with Alzheimer's disease, but we do know it causes a breakdown of the bone structure and possibly liver disease. Bone demineralization or weakening can also lead to hip fractures, vertebra collapse, and many of the same horrors associated with a different disease, osteoporosis."
"Researchers at Vanderbilt University injected aluminum into the brains of rats at the equivalent doses commonly found in humans. The researchers found that the brain cells lost their ability to absorb glucose. Glucose (or blood sugar) is the brain's energy source. Without it, a condition called dementia occurs. Dementia includes memory loss, decreased learning ability, and a general slowing of all brain function. It is these same symptoms, along with nerve degeneration, that show up in diseases like Alzheimer's, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease), Down's Syndrome, and Parkinson's disease."
From Dr. David Williams
Dear Friend:
"Unfortunately, Alzheimer's has become one of the diseases of our age, and although the jury is still out regarding aluminum and its exact role in Alzheimer's disease, I'm still recommending that you do everything possible to cut your ingestion of this toxic substance. Yes, aluminum is highly toxic. But for years, every time the possible connection between aluminum and brain malfunction was mentioned, the media, orthodox medicine, and the Food & Drug Administration reassured the public there was nothing to worry about. As you might expect, it's beginning to look as if they were wrong."
"We may not know for sure why aluminum is associated with Alzheimer's disease, but we do know it causes a breakdown of the bone structure and possibly liver disease. Bone demineralization or weakening can also lead to hip fractures, vertebra collapse, and many of the same horrors associated with a different disease, osteoporosis."
"Researchers at Vanderbilt University injected aluminum into the brains of rats at the equivalent doses commonly found in humans. The researchers found that the brain cells lost their ability to absorb glucose. Glucose (or blood sugar) is the brain's energy source. Without it, a condition called dementia occurs. Dementia includes memory loss, decreased learning ability, and a general slowing of all brain function. It is these same symptoms, along with nerve degeneration, that show up in diseases like Alzheimer's, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease), Down's Syndrome, and Parkinson's disease."
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Neo-Cons Out
There is a change going on in Washington. The Globalist are changing leadership. This must surly be so that Obama will have new folks, with which he will work the Globalist agenda. Wolfowitz is out. Rumsfield is out. Libbey is out. Lord Black, is in jail. Bush and Cheney are on their way out.
The Rockefeller/Trilateral people are running the US Government behind the Scenes.
Obama is Obviously their choice. McCain is the choice of the Military Industrial Complex. HUM...
The Rockefeller/Trilateral people are running the US Government behind the Scenes.
Obama is Obviously their choice. McCain is the choice of the Military Industrial Complex. HUM...
NATO Troops Kill Children in Afghanastan
"NATO said Monday it had accidentally killed three children in an artillery strike in eastern Afghanistan. It said NATO forces had fired the rounds after insurgents attacked its patrol in the Gayan district of Paktika Province and one of the rounds hit a house, killing three children and injuring seven civilians." AP
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