Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Obama's former pastor needs to shut up. Pride goes before the fall.


Repent. This is the Word of the LORD!

Monday, April 28, 2008

America Repent

Repent for God has judged this nation.

Fascism-Texas Compound Raid, Waco, Ruby Ridge, police taser attacks on citizens.
Lying leaders- Bill Clinton, George 1&2.
School- kids killing each other. They saw it on TV.
Church-Men undermining and stealing the ministries of others.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reminder of The Reason for our Money troubles

More indepth video can be seen on an earlier blog. I'll let you hunt for it.

Washington You're Fired!

The country is not working for you. It is Evil

The politicians continually ignor our wishes!

Police State

Goerge Bush has the Power of a Dictator

From Google:

Habeas Corpus Dies

Fear This!

I much less fear what is happening in a religious sect in Texas, then I do what is happening in Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fools That We Are!

The raid on the compound in Texas was no doubt done as a test group. They are testing how much evil they can shove down our throats without the masses being awakened to the evil that now empermeates every level of our government. I would say judging from the news coverage, considereing the blind sheep syndrom that almost all Americans are afflicted with, we for the most part will believe anything the nation news elite give us.

We are a nation of fools if we beieve the anything out of the mouth of George Bush, Bill Clintion, or George HW Bush and thier lying regemes.

Abortion, 911 and a hopeless nation

The Nation has been undermined by globalist for a long time. The government took a radical wrong course when they attacked the Nation on 911. Until the government comes clean, the nation will falter and fall.

Few actually know that it all started when we begin to kill our babies. In 1974 we instituted Genocide against the unborn. We have no hope as long as this continues. None!

Cameras watch Students and Teachers


Preparing for the Coming Depression

There will be world-wide depression if the army of God does not arise to fight it. I do not see God’s people arising as the churches are selfish groups sold to their own ways.

God’s true people need to prepare now for the days of devastation to come. We need to grow our own food and there by negate some of the effect of the GMO foods. This will also keep us out of population control bread lines.

Our food has been so tainted (GMF) we are not only, not getting nutritional benefit from it, we are actually being poisoned by it. We need fresh foods. Vegetables are the one thing most of us could provide for ourselves. A victory garden is in order.

Food will be used as the great money of the future. The one who controls the food will control the world.

In our city there was a recent chicken give away. This was about three pounds of Chicken breast frozen in thirty pounds of water, for who ever came. The line was long and wide. I could not believe so many were there to get that food. The whole thing was a staged event to break down social mores against standing in line to get food. The government will control the population in the future through “bread lines” such as this.

We must find a way to store future food. We must find a way to grow our own supplies. The world is very bad. It will get very, very bad before the great culmination of all things. Prepare now for the expansion of wars, and the oppression of peoples into the NWO mold.

We are sliding into a deep abyss. Global Depression is upon us. We need to arm ourselves for this battle. Christian people must not sit around hoping for the rapture. That is a hopeless lie. Look for ways to prepare for world famine. Grow your own food or buy it from Natural Food outlets.

Eat fresh foods and you will not be afflicted by diseases that will come upon the world like the black plague. Forewarned you are. Be fore-armed.

Monday, April 21, 2008

McCain shows His Elitist' out of Touch with Reality, Thinking

We are just having Pschological troubles when we get evicted from our homes. Glad to know that, I thought homelessness was a real problem. Repealing a gas tax? Hey lets repeal the national government. IMPEACH BUSH CHENEY IN 2008!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

PCB Monsanto Knew


Google has stories that tell the tell of Monsanto-a chemical company-willing to kill for money. They lied. They still do.

The World According to Monsanto

Bush and Quale sold the country out to GMF, GMO takeover.

Indiana Police a "touchy feely" Group

Police beat the Hell out of Woman in Court

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Citizens Core

A narc by any other name....

Fear and the Police State

Reasoning behind the arrest of the whole compound in Texas, is straight from the movie Minority Report. They arrest the whole compound before they break the law in order to keep them from breaking the law.

It don't take a pre-cog to know that that is facisim.

Just like Bush's pre-emptive wars.

Fear is a hard task master. They fear you America. They must eliminate the problem.
They will soon come to your church, your home, your school, and put down your free thinking.

You are nothing more then a slave. You believe Fox News, pay your taxes, and go to church. You think things are OK. Don't you? Don't you?

This blog makes you mad right coppertop? I mess with your delusion. You bow to the police not God.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Police State...

There is no doubt many problems in and around the polygamist sect, "Longing for Zion", in Texas. The worst of which is not that they are evil, but rather the way that the Texas Government raided their compound and separated the kids from the mothers. I doubt that all the sins of all the people in the compound will amount to a tenth of what the State of Texas has done to them.

What failures the Police in this nation have become. They are the Gestapo.

The police state is advancing. The people lose again.

As a matter of fact, many Rich Arab Oil men come to this nation with their harems and they are never touched. This nation is evil to the core. It has no fairness in the way that laws are honored. This raid is no less evil then Waco was.

God must tear this nation down.

Right and Left Traitors

We need to quit delineating so much between Republican and Democrat. We need to call them Republican-Party-Globalist and Democratic-Party-Globalist.

Yet a Globalist by any other name still smells like a traitor.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Will Your Vote Count?


Word of Wisdom for Today

Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney.


Bill Clinton and George Bush have brought to perfection the tactic of denial as defense. These men continually stand before America and deny everything that is wrong and that they are doing wrong, and simply put shame on anyone who would doubt what they say.

We have one more year of Bush presidential lies. He will then retire to Crawford and throw globalist barbecue parties. Then we can look forward to Hillary and a continuation of Bills lies, or McCain, a military extremist warmonger, or Obama, an intellectual who shames gun owners and common people. They all know that all you have to do to undermine truth, is flood the market with dis-information that makes truth seem lie and lie palatable.

So when Bill O'Reilly said Ron Paul "scared him", many of you spineless idiots eliminated Paul from the possibility of the presidency. You grasped the Oreilly' spin and were screwed into the ground by a lying master spin-miester. You will get what you asked for. One of the three monkeys, hear no reason, taste no reason, or smell no reason. They will disarm any reasonable direction for this country with denial through spin.

Of the three. Obama seems less controlled by the Elites. I don't see them letting him be president if he wins the nomination. The Elites will kill him, unless he is just a new presentation of the old guard.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Police State-it could happen to you soon..

The Wheel Chair has become a war zone in the Police State.

Police State Advances under Bush

Texas Police State Advancing

Texas takes cell phones from Mothers of the Latter Day Saints Raid (Longing for Zion). They don't want them to tell the truth to the press.

All the reports on this I have seen on Elite TV news has painted the group in a bad light. Obviously they are different than many would be comfortable with, but there is no reason to separate mothers and children.

It will take a while to sort the truth out on this. It appears to be an illegal raid.
To arrest a man for a relationship with one of the girls is acceptable, to arrest a whole community is nothing more than fascist overreach. Old men should not be molesting young girls. But police should not be arresting and entire community for the sin of one either.


Pro 16:18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Planned Parenthood Murdered Babies at a rate of 25,000 more last Year

"A Record Year for Profits and Baby Deaths at Planned Parenthood

Last year, a record 289,650 pre-born babies were
killed at Planned Parenthood clinics around the nation. As we've
previously reported, that is an increase of nearly 25,000 from
the year before!

Business has been so good, that one in four abortions is performed
at Planned Parenthood clinics--clinics that helped rake in a
staggering $1.017 billion in income."

Source Grassfire/Steve Hill

Police State Advances

From Infowars.com

"Anti-terror laws used to spy on family (UK)

Chris Green
April 13, 2008

A family who were wrongly suspected of lying on a school application form have discovered that their local council used anti-terrorism surveillance powers to spy on them.

The family, from Poole in Dorset, said they had been tailed for three weeks by council officials trying to establish whether they had given a false address in an attempt to get their three-year-old daughter a place at a heavily oversubscribed local nursery school, which their two older children had attended. The family had in fact done nothing wrong, and the investigation was eventually aborted.

Yesterday it emerged that Poole borough council had legitimately used the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act to monitor the family. This involved keeping a detailed log of their movements for two weeks, following the mother’s car as she took her three children to school each day and even watching the family home to ascertain their sleeping habits."

Read entire article at Infowars...

Three Blind Mice

The elitist government which controls the Democrat and Republican parties have offered us the choice of John McCain, Barak Obama, or Hillary Clinton as the next shill president.

Which one of the three blind mice do you prefer? They all have an eye which is gauged out in compromise. It is called worship in the CFR.

Friday, April 11, 2008


We are at the point of no return in the Nation. We will now fall. The evil of this nation is not going to be covered over any longer. The truth is out. The nation, our leaders are not going to change until the nation is devastated.

Babylon is fallen!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

America has lost its Way. Repentance is the Answer

From the moment this nation was founded, ideas of freedom and justice have been woven into our beliefs. These ideas are the America the common man always thought he supported. But there have been some all through the ruling of this nation that have worked a different agenda. It is an agenda to bring peoples into subjugation.

This subjugation, has already happened to many people groups. To look at the American Indian is to look at a people who were raped by this government. Their land was taken, and their lives controlled and limited to existance in a controlled and created environment. This is what the ruling government did to that people. They will eventually do it to us all.

Look at the American manufacturing worker and you see the same degrading, oppression. He has had his job stolen by the last three Presidents and Congresses, and he has been striped of all dignity. Some have been offered a chance to retrain in their job skills. Retrain for what? Everybody can’t work shuffling Chinese goods around the country. The economy is dying. But the elite with their news monopoly say: “Everything is fine”.

There is an occultic elite that rules behind the scene in America. It is so evil and sold to evil, that to describe the working of these men is to describe the very heart of hell. They care not who is in the White House. They control both parties and only release monies for one of their own, to get elected. They are globalist. They hate freedom. These men are working their plan to bring every citizen of this country into complete bondage to their desire to rule the world in a dictatorship.

Freedom and justice for the Lakota Indians, has never come. And it is not in sight for the oppressed worker either. It is not looking good for the average citizen, either. Instead our government keeps our borders open, and illegal aliens, flood into the country. When we catch one it will do little good, cause he will be sent back home only to return here tomorrow. They are breaking the law. They need to be imprisoned. Instead we imprison railroaded border guards.

There are few in this land who understand the evil that holds sway over our government. To wit I say: “ I doubt, there is one prison in the US that holds more evil people per capita, then you would find in the White House or in the Congress.” We are led by the most evil group of leaders that have ever lived on the face of the earth. We are in the advance stages of becoming a military state. Shockingly, Hitler is publicly admired by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Subtly, Hitler’s ways are embraced by most in the present government.

There are still some righteous men in government. But the sad fact is most of them believe the lie. The lie that we are a government for the people and by the people. We have never been. Since the Electoral College was instituted, it has worked to keep the control of this nation out of the hands of the people. The elite will not give it up, without a people’s revolution, which would (by force) get control of the nation back. The Declaration of Independence was brilliant. By the time the Constitution came alone there were already some globalist influences at work. The Bill of Rights though strong, continued to be affected by globalists. Anything after the Bill of Rights was heavily influenced by globalism. Today, America gets its marching orders from globalists.

The second amendment is under attack. They don’t want you armed. That attack, is just the tip of the iceberg. We are on the Titanic. Our hour of collision has come. We need a new captain who can see the warning signs. We falter because, America has left God. The government has led this backsliding. The colleges have trained the leaders who have led the government. We have been betrayed by leaders. Betrayed by Educational leaders, Government leaders, Church leaders, News men and more. The Constitution must be defended, but by who?

The churches are of little help to the cause of true freedom. They are often controlled by propaganda that is spewed out continuously on the TV News channels, and in secret meetings where they are hand fed the latest official line of crap. They are led to believe they are getting “inside information”, and they are. The just don’t know inside of what? So like good patriotic puppets, the official line, is then repeated weekly in the pulpits of these preachers. Freedom is an idea ballied around by those of the religious persuasion. Few really do want men to be free. The bound will never set others free.

The colleges of this nation have long been taken over by the globalist control spirit. They offer false choices in colleges. They teach the kids the official line of their political parties’ latest concern. But there is little difference between conservative and liberal. They are both taught to debate meaningless polices while the real problem is both parties are controlled by occultic globalism. Religious and Christian colleges are as controlled as state universities. They all get the government check you know.

Control is built into almost all church activity. Control with the purpose of subjugation of the free flow of ideas and the advancement of freedom. Control is built into almost every institution of advanced education.
They don’t want voices to arise. They want echoes of the official line. America has lost its way. It has left its Declaration of Independence from tyranny, and adopted a policy of control and oppression. It has Adopted tyranny, which now runs from local leadership, to the halls of the Supreme Court, and White House, and Congress. There is little goodness left in this land.

The goodness is in the heart of the citizen. Awake oh sleeper. It is later then you think. You are the one who must defend our Constitution. It will cost your life.

Have you noticed how everything government does is not solving the problems? This is the symptom of a nation who has left God. (and its constitution covenant with Him) It is cursed. America is cursed. God has been replaced with man. Poor substitute. The Federal Reserve is one of the most evil creations of this Government. This thing has done more damage to America then any communist or terrorist ever could. They have committed treason against true money, and true lending practices. The men who have been in the Federal Reserve should all be tried for treason, convicted with the over fifty years of damning evidence available, and hung in Washington in front of the Supreme Court building.

The answer for this nation is forever written in the book of 2 Chronicles 7:14 of the bible. If God’s people will repent, He will heal their land. We need freedom and justice for our citizens. God save America! Bring back freedom and justice.
In a practical sense for the nation, a return to God would bring with it a return to nationalism and a rejection of globalism. Repentance means to turn back to what is true.

To take back America for the sake of freedom, the work must start with you. If you want the America of the Declaration of Independence back, say so, to everyone you know. This nation was born out of rebellion to tyranny. If we do not stand against the present tyranny of our government the nation will die to globalism.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination

Treason 3 Bill Clinton

I do not believe that there is a greater evil in our government then the Bill and Hillary alliance. The evil work of Clinton to get into the White House has been documented over and over. Over fifty murders are tied to them and their immediate supporters and friends. I know of no other couple that, this could be said about.

Clinton led the Republican Congress to agree to the sell out the nation’s workers through the NAFTA agreement authored by George HW, Bush. The factories that have closed are now just historical footnotes to the devastated demoralized aging American worker. Bill Clinton also stole the innocence of a generation of young through his presidential blow job at the lips of Monica.

Since Bill Clinton there can be no respect for the presidency since George W, has continued the sexual misconduct in the White House by screwing the Nation’s workers in the butt through policies encouraging more jobs to go overseas, and by personally killing over four thousand of our young to make money for the military industrial complex. The worst thing is they did it in the name of protecting our freedom.

However I do believe that Clinton above any before him, reduced morality in the American Presidency to a level that only dogs in the kennel would be comfortable with.

Beware of Dogs.

I charge this man with treason and murder. He is a horrible man with no heart. My prayer is that they would no longer be a part of American politics.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Scary Truth

Concerning the latest news, you either believe the TV or you believe the truth. For political and social understandiong, look to Infowars.com for the latest breaking truth. This sight was always an echo to it.

For health issues a good place to start is Dr. Mercoli.

I leave this blog up, in case those who hit my Spirit blog follow references here. For there is scary truth in these web pages that all need to know.

God save America from this government for the elite, and by the elite.

We will be back on only when we can add original material to the blog.