Wednesday, December 31, 2008
20 thousand New Troops in US for the Police State Takeover
Fear about public riots when the economy collapses!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Bush Legacy 3
Of this I am sure, Barak Obama did not beat John McCain, for president. He beat the Legacy of George Bush. History will not be kind to George. He is a failure and a traitor. No comments to the
opposite by Laura Bush and Condoleza Rice, will change the 8 years of Bush Global sell out.
I agreed with Keith Oberman on many of the things he said about Bush before the election. But when this liberal ideologue bashes McCain and Palan a full month after the Election you know he is just a bitter liberal mouth-piece. YOUR GUY WON KEITH!
When Conservatives bash Barak you know they are just doing their part in keeping up the false Right/Left Paradigm/lie of the two party system.
Our government is by and large sold out to Globalism, and they are haters of the Constitution.
I think Keith Oberman just hates.
God help this nation.
Oh I do agree with Keith. Dick Cheney is the worst person in the world.
opposite by Laura Bush and Condoleza Rice, will change the 8 years of Bush Global sell out.
I agreed with Keith Oberman on many of the things he said about Bush before the election. But when this liberal ideologue bashes McCain and Palan a full month after the Election you know he is just a bitter liberal mouth-piece. YOUR GUY WON KEITH!
When Conservatives bash Barak you know they are just doing their part in keeping up the false Right/Left Paradigm/lie of the two party system.
Our government is by and large sold out to Globalism, and they are haters of the Constitution.
I think Keith Oberman just hates.
God help this nation.
Oh I do agree with Keith. Dick Cheney is the worst person in the world.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Laura Bush may Never talk to Anyone Again!
"WASHINGTON — First lady Laura Bush says she disagrees with critics who say her husband's presidency was a failure.
In an interview aired Sunday on Fox News Sunday, Mrs. Bush says she knows her husband's eight years in office was not a failure, and says she doesn't feel as if she needs to respond to people who view it that way." Huffington Post
Since almost everyone agrees Bush was a total failure, she may not have interaction with anyone again!
Click on title for article
In an interview aired Sunday on Fox News Sunday, Mrs. Bush says she knows her husband's eight years in office was not a failure, and says she doesn't feel as if she needs to respond to people who view it that way." Huffington Post
Since almost everyone agrees Bush was a total failure, she may not have interaction with anyone again!
Click on title for article
Economy 'on knife-edge' as Japan faces deflation fear
Economy 'on knife-edge' as Japan faces deflation fear. Click title to read article.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Naked man dies after 4 taser shocks
Naked man dies after 4 taser shocks:
Click on title for story and video.
Also Check out at this web page/blog a similar story in Marion, Indiana.
Click on title for story and video.
Also Check out at this web page/blog a similar story in Marion, Indiana.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Failure of Dick Lugar
As I correspond with Dick Lugar, Senator from Indiana, it amazes me how, a man could come from Indiana, and be so sold on the very globalism and so called "free trade", that has all but brought this nation into a depression.
They get around the Rockefellers and seem to lose all sanity. The Rockefellers are warlocks being used to seduce the government of the US.
Perhaps when we get to 20% unemployment he might see. No, like Evan Byah, he is a eunuch of the evil NWO. There is not one bit of difference between the two. Evil is their name.
They get around the Rockefellers and seem to lose all sanity. The Rockefellers are warlocks being used to seduce the government of the US.
Perhaps when we get to 20% unemployment he might see. No, like Evan Byah, he is a eunuch of the evil NWO. There is not one bit of difference between the two. Evil is their name.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
New Taxes Set
Many states are imposing new taxes to make up for the loss of taxes on income. Click title for article.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Peter Schiff
"In Madoff We Trust
As the multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Wall Street insider Bernard Madoff unravels in the media spotlight, the nation is being presented with a rare opportunity to understand the true nature of many of our most cherished financial structures. Hopefully we have the wisdom to connect the dots.
Although the $50 billion loss engineered by Madoff is truly a staggering accomplishment (and was done using old-fashioned fraud rather than the mathematical wizardry that has characterized Wall Street’s recent larcenies) the size of the scheme pales in comparison to the multi-trillion dollar Ponzi structures run by the United States government. In fact, rather than looking to jail Madoff, President-elect Obama should consider making him our new Treasury secretary. If not that, at least make him the czar of something!
Madoff’s inspiration came from Charles Ponzi, the Italian-born American immigrant who promoted an investment plan in the early 1900s’ that traded postal coupons. Rather than paying investors from legitimate investment returns, Ponzi hit upon the innovative idea of paying out early investors with money collected from new investors. By creating an illusion of success, interest in his investment plan ballooned. Over time the schemes have become known by many other names, such as chain letters or pyramid schemes. They are united by the fact that they always fail in the end.
When the influx of new investors inevitably slows to the point where distributions to current investors can no longer be maintained, investors look to withdraw funds. When this happens, the entire structure falls apart. The profits received by those who “invested” early as well so any funds skimmed off by the promoter, are offset by all the losses of those who came late to the party.
To a large extent, the same concept has driven the major asset bubbles of the last decade. Given the ridiculously high valuations that were assigned to tech stocks and real estate during their respective booms, the only way the bubbles could be perpetuated was if newer “investors” could be found to pay even more outrageous prices (the greater fool). But when these new buyers balked, the whole structure crumbled. Although there was no Ponzi or Madoff to orchestrate these manias, the entire financial and economic apparatus of the country had successfully convinced the public that “investments” in tech stocks and condominiums were bullet proof and that the supply of new buyers was endless.
Unfortunately, the Ponzi economy doesn’t stop there. A chain letter is no more viable when run by governments than when run by private citizens. However, government orchestrated pyramids have the advantage of required participation. As a result, they can maintain the illusion of viability for several generations. But the longer such schemes operate the larger will be the losses when they ultimately collapse.
The Social Security Administration runs its “trust funds” with precisely the same methods used by Madoff and Ponzi. As money is collected by from current workers, the funds are then dispersed to those already receiving benefits. None of the funds collected are actually invested, so no investment returns are ever generated. Those currently paying into the system are expected to receive their returns based on the “contribution” made by future workers. This is the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme. The only difference is that Ponzi didn’t own a printing press.
The United States Government runs its own balance sheet based on the Ponzi principal as well. Our national debt always grows and never shrinks. As existing debt matures, proceeds are repaid by issuing new debt. Interest payments on existing debt are also made by selling new debt to investors. The whole scheme depends on an ever growing supply of new lenders, or the willingness of existing lenders, to continue to roll over maturing notes. Of course, as was the case with Madoff, if enough of our creditors want their money back, the music stops playing.
In Madoff’s case, the rug pulling was provided by the huge financial losses suffered by some of his clients in other non-Madoff investments. When enough of these clients looked to sell some of their apparently well-performing Madoff assets to help offset such losses, the scam collapsed. The same thing could befall the United States Government. Now that China and our other creditors are looking to spend some of their U.S. Treasury holdings to stimulate their own economies, look for a similar outcome with even more dire implications.
The main difference is that while Madoff took elaborate steps to conceal his scheme, the U.S. government operates in broad daylight. It truly is amazing how faith in government is so pervasive that many can believe that politicians will succeed where private individuals fail, and that governments are somehow immune to the economic laws that govern the rest of society. Like those unfortunate to have been duped by Madoff and Ponzi, the world is in for a rude awakening.
For a more in depth analysis of our financial problems and the inherent dangers they pose for the U.S. economy and U.S. dollar denominated investments, read my new book “Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.” "
"In Madoff We Trust
As the multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Wall Street insider Bernard Madoff unravels in the media spotlight, the nation is being presented with a rare opportunity to understand the true nature of many of our most cherished financial structures. Hopefully we have the wisdom to connect the dots.
Although the $50 billion loss engineered by Madoff is truly a staggering accomplishment (and was done using old-fashioned fraud rather than the mathematical wizardry that has characterized Wall Street’s recent larcenies) the size of the scheme pales in comparison to the multi-trillion dollar Ponzi structures run by the United States government. In fact, rather than looking to jail Madoff, President-elect Obama should consider making him our new Treasury secretary. If not that, at least make him the czar of something!
Madoff’s inspiration came from Charles Ponzi, the Italian-born American immigrant who promoted an investment plan in the early 1900s’ that traded postal coupons. Rather than paying investors from legitimate investment returns, Ponzi hit upon the innovative idea of paying out early investors with money collected from new investors. By creating an illusion of success, interest in his investment plan ballooned. Over time the schemes have become known by many other names, such as chain letters or pyramid schemes. They are united by the fact that they always fail in the end.
When the influx of new investors inevitably slows to the point where distributions to current investors can no longer be maintained, investors look to withdraw funds. When this happens, the entire structure falls apart. The profits received by those who “invested” early as well so any funds skimmed off by the promoter, are offset by all the losses of those who came late to the party.
To a large extent, the same concept has driven the major asset bubbles of the last decade. Given the ridiculously high valuations that were assigned to tech stocks and real estate during their respective booms, the only way the bubbles could be perpetuated was if newer “investors” could be found to pay even more outrageous prices (the greater fool). But when these new buyers balked, the whole structure crumbled. Although there was no Ponzi or Madoff to orchestrate these manias, the entire financial and economic apparatus of the country had successfully convinced the public that “investments” in tech stocks and condominiums were bullet proof and that the supply of new buyers was endless.
Unfortunately, the Ponzi economy doesn’t stop there. A chain letter is no more viable when run by governments than when run by private citizens. However, government orchestrated pyramids have the advantage of required participation. As a result, they can maintain the illusion of viability for several generations. But the longer such schemes operate the larger will be the losses when they ultimately collapse.
The Social Security Administration runs its “trust funds” with precisely the same methods used by Madoff and Ponzi. As money is collected by from current workers, the funds are then dispersed to those already receiving benefits. None of the funds collected are actually invested, so no investment returns are ever generated. Those currently paying into the system are expected to receive their returns based on the “contribution” made by future workers. This is the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme. The only difference is that Ponzi didn’t own a printing press.
The United States Government runs its own balance sheet based on the Ponzi principal as well. Our national debt always grows and never shrinks. As existing debt matures, proceeds are repaid by issuing new debt. Interest payments on existing debt are also made by selling new debt to investors. The whole scheme depends on an ever growing supply of new lenders, or the willingness of existing lenders, to continue to roll over maturing notes. Of course, as was the case with Madoff, if enough of our creditors want their money back, the music stops playing.
In Madoff’s case, the rug pulling was provided by the huge financial losses suffered by some of his clients in other non-Madoff investments. When enough of these clients looked to sell some of their apparently well-performing Madoff assets to help offset such losses, the scam collapsed. The same thing could befall the United States Government. Now that China and our other creditors are looking to spend some of their U.S. Treasury holdings to stimulate their own economies, look for a similar outcome with even more dire implications.
The main difference is that while Madoff took elaborate steps to conceal his scheme, the U.S. government operates in broad daylight. It truly is amazing how faith in government is so pervasive that many can believe that politicians will succeed where private individuals fail, and that governments are somehow immune to the economic laws that govern the rest of society. Like those unfortunate to have been duped by Madoff and Ponzi, the world is in for a rude awakening.
For a more in depth analysis of our financial problems and the inherent dangers they pose for the U.S. economy and U.S. dollar denominated investments, read my new book “Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.” "
Monday, December 22, 2008
News Shorts
-An AP analysis has determined that banks receiving $188 billion in government bailout money paid their top execs almost $1.6 billion last year.
-The commercial Real Estate market will soon fall into depression.
-The country is headed for Depression.
We are headed for the Greatest Depression ever.
The one in the thirties the people owned homes. Now we pay on homes.
Back then the country was much more agriculturally diverse, with the small farmer being the backbone. Back then we had leadership that was for the sovereignty of this nation!
-The commercial Real Estate market will soon fall into depression.
-The country is headed for Depression.
We are headed for the Greatest Depression ever.
The one in the thirties the people owned homes. Now we pay on homes.
Back then the country was much more agriculturally diverse, with the small farmer being the backbone. Back then we had leadership that was for the sovereignty of this nation!
Free Trade, Paulson No Jobs!!!
China manipulates its currency, makes their goods cheep here, and thereby has declared war against the American worker. Factories have shut down all acrros the US. Few in Washington give a damn.
More Bush Stuff-Rove Threatend Man who Died in Plane Crash
"Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash, Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation
Sunday, Dec 21, 2008
Flashback: Rove Threatened GOP IT Guru If He Does Not ‘Take the Fall’ for Election Fraud in Ohio, Says Attorney Michael Connell, the Bush IT expert who has been directly implicated in the rigging of George Bush’s 2000 and 2004 elections, was killed last night when his single engine plane crashed three miles short of the Akron airport. Velvet Revolution (”VR”), a non-profit that has been investigating Mr. Connell’s activities for the past two years, can now reveal that a person close to Mr. Connell has recently been discussing with a VR investigator how he can tell all about his work for George Bush. Mr. Connell told a close associate that he was afraid that George Bush and Dick Cheney would “throw [him] under the bus.”" Infowars
Sunday, Dec 21, 2008
Flashback: Rove Threatened GOP IT Guru If He Does Not ‘Take the Fall’ for Election Fraud in Ohio, Says Attorney Michael Connell, the Bush IT expert who has been directly implicated in the rigging of George Bush’s 2000 and 2004 elections, was killed last night when his single engine plane crashed three miles short of the Akron airport. Velvet Revolution (”VR”), a non-profit that has been investigating Mr. Connell’s activities for the past two years, can now reveal that a person close to Mr. Connell has recently been discussing with a VR investigator how he can tell all about his work for George Bush. Mr. Connell told a close associate that he was afraid that George Bush and Dick Cheney would “throw [him] under the bus.”" Infowars
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bush's Legacy
"I didn't compromise my soul to be a popular guy." George Bush
No George, you sold it long ago. Once you sell it you are compromise.
Enjoy your $2+ million retirement home.
-over four thousand of America's best where slaughtered in your illegal war.
-the country is slipping into depression.
-Americans' have lost all hope in their government.
-the majority now believe that 911 was orchestrated by your team.
All on your watch.
Maybe you should have compromised your soul and listened to truth.
No George, you sold it long ago. Once you sell it you are compromise.
Enjoy your $2+ million retirement home.
-over four thousand of America's best where slaughtered in your illegal war.
-the country is slipping into depression.
-Americans' have lost all hope in their government.
-the majority now believe that 911 was orchestrated by your team.
All on your watch.
Maybe you should have compromised your soul and listened to truth.
No to Auto Bailout
I fear an auto industry bailout, because the Government will no doubt take them over through this door.
The government is the last one I would trust to run anything. This is all globalism and implementation of world elite rule.
The government is the last one I would trust to run anything. This is all globalism and implementation of world elite rule.
Free Trade's Big Lie
"If you read any Canadian newspaper, you’ve been treated to the same refrain: NAFTA has been good for Canada. It has led to economic growth and jobs for Canadians. And given that it’s been so wonderful for Canada, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) could only make things better, right?
What proponents of deep integration are not telling you is this: the notion that NAFTA has been good for average Canadians, Americans and Mexicans is a lie. The truth is that NAFTA has been responsible for growing poverty, the creation of a new underclass called the “working poor,” and the concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people." Jean-Yves LeFort
"It doesn't even work for the weaker nation's let alone the US. Free trade when undressed is just large corporations exploiting a cheap labour force, for quick profit." Revolution
One of the tenets of Lefort's truth is, Exports don’t equal jobs!
This can be proven by the fact that there is a disappearing middle class. There is a growing gap between the haves and the have-nots.
Here is the crux of the matter: If NAFTA has created so much wealth, why is poverty growing in all three countries?
Click on the title for more on a Canadians (Lefort) view of the Free Trade lie.
What proponents of deep integration are not telling you is this: the notion that NAFTA has been good for average Canadians, Americans and Mexicans is a lie. The truth is that NAFTA has been responsible for growing poverty, the creation of a new underclass called the “working poor,” and the concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people." Jean-Yves LeFort
"It doesn't even work for the weaker nation's let alone the US. Free trade when undressed is just large corporations exploiting a cheap labour force, for quick profit." Revolution
One of the tenets of Lefort's truth is, Exports don’t equal jobs!
This can be proven by the fact that there is a disappearing middle class. There is a growing gap between the haves and the have-nots.
Here is the crux of the matter: If NAFTA has created so much wealth, why is poverty growing in all three countries?
Click on the title for more on a Canadians (Lefort) view of the Free Trade lie.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mayan Year 2000..
Is there something coming in 2012? The Mayan's thought so. So do many in the church.
Click on title for more...
Click on title for more...
South Korean lawmakers brawl over US free trade pact
Seems there may be trouble brewing in the land of US free trade. South Korean Lawmakers had a near riot over passing a proposed free-trade agreement with the US.
Perhaps the NWO has hit a small speed bump on their path to ruling the world. Click on title to go to the original Yahoo News story.
Perhaps the NWO has hit a small speed bump on their path to ruling the world. Click on title to go to the original Yahoo News story.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Peter G. Peterson on Debt

USA To Owe More Than All of Us Own
According to recent calculations by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation (PGPF), the sum of America's debts and other financial commitments is about to exceed the collective net worth of its citizens. That means that for the first time in our history, we'll owe more money than all of us have combined.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Look for the Boot to Drop
With only 17 % of the permitted, off Shore oil reserves being drilled we know that the recent drop in gas prices, was well over due. However I fear this is a plot against the Arab oil produces, for globalist purposes, to weaken their international influence.
The Arabs and the Russians seem to be a problem to the Rothschild/Rockefeller elites. We will see how this whole thing plays out soon. Look for a boot to drop somewhere.
We are sure that this government is criminal, and the oil companies are worse. The only ones worse are the global elites that are behind, this government and big oil.
*68 Million arces not drilled: (Click title)
The Arabs and the Russians seem to be a problem to the Rothschild/Rockefeller elites. We will see how this whole thing plays out soon. Look for a boot to drop somewhere.
We are sure that this government is criminal, and the oil companies are worse. The only ones worse are the global elites that are behind, this government and big oil.
*68 Million arces not drilled: (Click title)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Boycott Google and You Tube
Boycott all use of Google, search and video and You Tube this Friday as they have been caught editing their search engines to not bring back certain results. Remove google search from your web header if you have it there.
I ask you not to use any of the videos on this blog on Friday. They are working with the Feds in censorship of info.
Thank You, Revolution
Also hit on all political/911 videos you can until Friday on those sights. Hit Infowars heavy on Friday.
I ask you not to use any of the videos on this blog on Friday. They are working with the Feds in censorship of info.
Thank You, Revolution
Also hit on all political/911 videos you can until Friday on those sights. Hit Infowars heavy on Friday.
Lou Dobbs on the Rising Police State
Our Army comes back from Iraq to patrol our streets. That is because the American Citizen is now feared to be the enemy.
CIA aids Peruvain Air Force Murders
"With the help of CIA spotters, the Peruvian air force shot down 15 small civilian aircraft between 1995 and 2001, ostensibly as part of the US-abetted war on drugs, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee revealed Thursday. Many of the shoot-downs were made without warning within two to three minutes of the planes being detected." Big Bear Observation Post
Domestic Militarization comes to San Bernardino County:
Domestic Militarization comes to San Bernardino County:
"Dispatching Marines on California highways is an obvious violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 16, 1878. The Act prohibits members of the federal uniformed services, including military police, from working with state and local police and law enforcement."
Click on title for direct link to:
"Dispatching Marines on California highways is an obvious violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 16, 1878. The Act prohibits members of the federal uniformed services, including military police, from working with state and local police and law enforcement."
Click on title for direct link to:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
What do you See, What do you Hear?
An Awakening:
Is this what We seek?
There is something beyond this Mountain:
When you see a mountain, know that the prize is not just in climbing the mountain, but in the insight that you have when you conquer it. When you get to the other side you will know the song being played.
This is how you know if you fit there.
Is this what We seek?
There is something beyond this Mountain:
When you see a mountain, know that the prize is not just in climbing the mountain, but in the insight that you have when you conquer it. When you get to the other side you will know the song being played.
This is how you know if you fit there.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Red Chinese Slave Labor Goods Flood the US Market
Red Chinese Slave Labor Floods NAFTA Marketplace With Cheap Goods
by Jerome R. Corsi
"The NAFTA marketplace unrestrained in the pursuit of cheap labor has driven an increasing volume of manufacturing off-shore to Communist China, where slave prison camps offer a cost of labor that is hard to beat.
Chinese made goods ranging from electronics to toys and clothes are daily sold in mass marketing retailers such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, K-Mart, Target, Lowes, and dozens of other U.S. corporations. Cheap goods from Communist China increasingly line the shelves of the NAFTA marketplace under marquee product trade names that bear no relationship to the Chinese slave labor that manufactured, produced, or otherwise assembled the goods. "
NAFTA promotes Slave labor:
From News Max circ 1993:
WASHINGTON – The biggest cover-up in the long parade of Clinton scandals was probably the sell-out to the communist Chinese. Harry Wu had a front-row seat on that tragedy, from the inside of Chinese labor camps.
In his book “Troublemaker,” published by, Wu compares those living hells (or laogai) to Hitler’s concentration camps.
The trade with China, paid for by Americans who are finding it harder and harder to find merchandise they want that does not bear the “Made in China” label, was already in force when the Clintons came to Washington. After they saw the political benefits to be had for selling out, the relationship took off like a rocket.
Thanks in large measure to the Clinton White House's cover-up, we do not know to this day the full story of Chinese espionage that enabled them to gain access to U.S. nuclear weapons know-how through the theft of highly sensitive classified data on sophisticated warheads or the missile-related technology that was compromised.
And so it goes on. The American manufactoring base is destroyed by the likes of Georgee HW Bush, Clinton, and W Bush. American familes continue to slide into povertry while the Elite grab more for themselves.
This Nation is EVIL. George Bush and Barak Obama are evil. Wake up America!
by Jerome R. Corsi
"The NAFTA marketplace unrestrained in the pursuit of cheap labor has driven an increasing volume of manufacturing off-shore to Communist China, where slave prison camps offer a cost of labor that is hard to beat.
Chinese made goods ranging from electronics to toys and clothes are daily sold in mass marketing retailers such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, K-Mart, Target, Lowes, and dozens of other U.S. corporations. Cheap goods from Communist China increasingly line the shelves of the NAFTA marketplace under marquee product trade names that bear no relationship to the Chinese slave labor that manufactured, produced, or otherwise assembled the goods. "
NAFTA promotes Slave labor:
From News Max circ 1993:
WASHINGTON – The biggest cover-up in the long parade of Clinton scandals was probably the sell-out to the communist Chinese. Harry Wu had a front-row seat on that tragedy, from the inside of Chinese labor camps.
In his book “Troublemaker,” published by, Wu compares those living hells (or laogai) to Hitler’s concentration camps.
The trade with China, paid for by Americans who are finding it harder and harder to find merchandise they want that does not bear the “Made in China” label, was already in force when the Clintons came to Washington. After they saw the political benefits to be had for selling out, the relationship took off like a rocket.
Thanks in large measure to the Clinton White House's cover-up, we do not know to this day the full story of Chinese espionage that enabled them to gain access to U.S. nuclear weapons know-how through the theft of highly sensitive classified data on sophisticated warheads or the missile-related technology that was compromised.
And so it goes on. The American manufactoring base is destroyed by the likes of Georgee HW Bush, Clinton, and W Bush. American familes continue to slide into povertry while the Elite grab more for themselves.
This Nation is EVIL. George Bush and Barak Obama are evil. Wake up America!
Canadian's led by Fogal Protest NAU
Canadians protest 'North American Union'
Jerome R. Corsi Reports at World Net Daily
Party to fly national flag upside down in protest at convention!
Click Header for more.
She knows connection with the US Government is trouble for Canada. They would rather be Canadian than "North American".
Jerome R. Corsi Reports at World Net Daily
Party to fly national flag upside down in protest at convention!
Click Header for more.
She knows connection with the US Government is trouble for Canada. They would rather be Canadian than "North American".
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Kirk Nimmo on Rod Blagojevich
Kurt Nimmo
December 8, 2008
"Isn’t it odd that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is suddenly arrested on corruption charges the day after he announced he is asking all Illinois government agencies to suspend business with Bank of America?
Not really. Blagojevich’s arrest sends a strong signal that going up against the banksters will not be tolerated." (Click on Title for source Article)
Blagojevich wanted Bank of America, to use some of thier bailout money to help Illnois workers.
December 8, 2008
"Isn’t it odd that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is suddenly arrested on corruption charges the day after he announced he is asking all Illinois government agencies to suspend business with Bank of America?
Not really. Blagojevich’s arrest sends a strong signal that going up against the banksters will not be tolerated." (Click on Title for source Article)
Blagojevich wanted Bank of America, to use some of thier bailout money to help Illnois workers.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mumbai Attacks not Al-Qaeda
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 28, 2008
"After brazenly declaring that the Mumbai attacks were the work of Al-Qaeda, the corporate media has been forced to backtrack, while India continues to blame Pakistan in a dangerous escalation of rhetoric between the two nuclear-armed powers."
Click on Title to go to this article at INFOWARS.COM
Friday, November 28, 2008
"After brazenly declaring that the Mumbai attacks were the work of Al-Qaeda, the corporate media has been forced to backtrack, while India continues to blame Pakistan in a dangerous escalation of rhetoric between the two nuclear-armed powers."
Click on Title to go to this article at INFOWARS.COM
Real Unemployment-13-18%
"The recent government official unemployment figure of 6.7% is not an adequate reflection of our deteriorating economy. The official rate includes only people who told a government surveyor that they had looked for a job in the last four weeks. The Alternative measure, which includes workers no longer looking and part-time who want full time work, is closer to 13% and rising rapidly:" Allen L Roland
Click on Header for more.
"With one in ten Americans on food stamps ~ don't let the Bush administration's current unemployment figure of 6.5% fool you. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates the de facto unemployment rate in the United States is 16.25%. Thus, there appears to be 25 million, not 10.1 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work, and that figure is before the pending collapse even gathers steam."
Op Ed News
Folks when we hit over 20% that is arguably Depression.
Click on Header for more.
"With one in ten Americans on food stamps ~ don't let the Bush administration's current unemployment figure of 6.5% fool you. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates the de facto unemployment rate in the United States is 16.25%. Thus, there appears to be 25 million, not 10.1 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work, and that figure is before the pending collapse even gathers steam."
Op Ed News
Folks when we hit over 20% that is arguably Depression.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Angry laid-off workers occupy factory in Chicago
Associated Press
December 7, 2008
Editor’s note: Factory occupations — in addition to sit-ins, strikes, and other mass mobilizations — were commonplace during the Great Depression.
CHICAGO (AP) — Workers who got three days’ notice their factory was shutting its doors have occupied the building and say they won’t go home without assurances they’ll get severance and vacation pay they say they are owed.
Associated Press
December 7, 2008
Editor’s note: Factory occupations — in addition to sit-ins, strikes, and other mass mobilizations — were commonplace during the Great Depression.
CHICAGO (AP) — Workers who got three days’ notice their factory was shutting its doors have occupied the building and say they won’t go home without assurances they’ll get severance and vacation pay they say they are owed.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Rand Corporation Calls for War to save Economy
by Paul Joseph Watson & Yihan Dai
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Excerpts from Article:
"According to reports out of top Chinese mainstream news outlets, the RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession."
"Reportedly, the RAND proposal brazenly urged that a new war could be launched to benefit the economy, but stressed that the target country would have to be a major influential power, and not a smaller country on the scale of Afghanistan or Iraq."
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Excerpts from Article:
"According to reports out of top Chinese mainstream news outlets, the RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession."
"Reportedly, the RAND proposal brazenly urged that a new war could be launched to benefit the economy, but stressed that the target country would have to be a major influential power, and not a smaller country on the scale of Afghanistan or Iraq."
National Debt Passes Ten Trillion
Special thanks to the last fifty years of bad policy, we now have a ten trillion dollar national debt. This government is criminal.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Lugar Sells out Indiana
Sickens me that Globalist Dick Lugar voted to pass the FISA wiretap bill. What a sell out to the values of this state he is.
The voting record is contained below in video form... on this day, the front picture of the YuuTuBe video says "For the Record"
The voting record is contained below in video form... on this day, the front picture of the YuuTuBe video says "For the Record"
Dodd on Wire Tap FISA
28 years in the making.
Ben Franklin:
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither." ... "He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither." ...
Bush Scare Tactics and Citizen Abuse
The only terriorst we need to stop is the Global Elite who plan and carry out these attacks on the American People.
David Rocefeller's End
David Rockefeller your sin has Come up before Jah. You will fall.
You Globalist have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
Those who collude with this evil will fall.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Final Warning from Ike
This was before Johnson had Kennedy Assassinated. The Hydrogen bomb changed the World. The Elites knew that it was now possible for a handfull of People to rule the world. That is if they control advance technologies. With blood in thier eyes they sat out to destroy anyone who was in thier way.
Unemployment and Depression
Under FDR, Unemployment reached around 26%.
Under the old way of measuring unemployment I believe our unemployment would be around 20% in some areas, and at least 15% nationally if we counted all the unemployed. (Clinton moved the boundary stone)
We are not slipping into recession but are slipping into depression.
Under the old way of measuring unemployment I believe our unemployment would be around 20% in some areas, and at least 15% nationally if we counted all the unemployed. (Clinton moved the boundary stone)
We are not slipping into recession but are slipping into depression.
What Are We Waiting For?
With the Movie JFK and all the film out on YouTube, one would have to be an idiot not to believe that JFK was assassinated by conspiracy of the CIA, and the military industrial complex, and the elite bankers. This of course to bring an escalation in Viet Nam, and to protect the Federal Reserve Monopoly. LBJ was right in the thick of it!
This nation has slipped more and more into the grips of evil since that November day.
God bring this evil down!
The Constitution gives us a mandate to overthrow the government if it is evil. Keep the Constitution, overthrow evil men and establish Godly government!
What are we waiting for?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Auto Sales Plumet
From My Way News
"NEW YORK (AP) - General Motors' November U.S. sales plunged 41 percent, while Ford's dropped 31 percent, dashing hopes that the industrywide drop in vehicle demand might be easing as Detroit's automakers prepare to state their second case for a federal bailout.
Their overseas rivals posted abismal results as well. Toyota's November sales tumbled 34 percent, and Honda's fell 32 percent."
..."On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research said the U.S. entered a recession in December 2007, much earlier than most predictions."
From Article by Bree Fowler at above link. Click on title to see original article.
Well I said we are in recession, over a 18 months ago. Duh. Now it is news! It was all planned folks. The globalist are right on target on their plan to break the economy, and bring this nation down. Next will be serious discussion on population reduction, guised as an effort to save the world from our excesses.
As always the way to reverse this trend is for America to turn back to JAH.
"NEW YORK (AP) - General Motors' November U.S. sales plunged 41 percent, while Ford's dropped 31 percent, dashing hopes that the industrywide drop in vehicle demand might be easing as Detroit's automakers prepare to state their second case for a federal bailout.
Their overseas rivals posted abismal results as well. Toyota's November sales tumbled 34 percent, and Honda's fell 32 percent."
..."On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research said the U.S. entered a recession in December 2007, much earlier than most predictions."
From Article by Bree Fowler at above link. Click on title to see original article.
Well I said we are in recession, over a 18 months ago. Duh. Now it is news! It was all planned folks. The globalist are right on target on their plan to break the economy, and bring this nation down. Next will be serious discussion on population reduction, guised as an effort to save the world from our excesses.
As always the way to reverse this trend is for America to turn back to JAH.
America return to Jah
The Word of the Lord:
America if you would return back to me and embrace my ways, you would find me to be a merciful God.
Deu 30:1 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call [them] to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee,
Deu 30:2 And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;
Deu 30:3 That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee.
America your strength has been scattered among the nations, because you have left my way. Return to Me and be healed.
America if you would return back to me and embrace my ways, you would find me to be a merciful God.
Deu 30:1 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call [them] to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee,
Deu 30:2 And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;
Deu 30:3 That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee.
America your strength has been scattered among the nations, because you have left my way. Return to Me and be healed.
What Defense do you Offer?
An open letter to George Bush
As we watch the present economic meltdown, a world government ruled by the banks, (Global Elite) will arise. They will be heralded as "The Answer". This is right on time on the Globalist schedule. Anti-patriot Bush surely says Hallelujah! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
We have deflation. Prices are down. Unemployment is up. Houses are not selling. Under-employment is pandemic. Food stamp use is at record levels- they are today’s breadlines. This is not the work of Muslim terrorist. It is the work of George Bush and the Global Elites.
This is what happens to a country that is sold out by elitists like Bush, Cheney, Rockefeller, Clinton, and others. For fun and profit, these people purposely destroyed American’s value added economy. Armed with free-trade lies, and blood in their eyes, these men have proven themselves to be shills of the globalist Bankers. The Military Industrial Complex cheers for every new war they connive this nation to start. War is big business.
Our nation’s work force has been put on idle. The workers themselves have been poison by genetically modified foods. We have been slowly poisoned by design. The evil elitist will stop at nothing to destroy the sovereignty of this Nation.
Now Bush 2 and Laura look forward to some rest time. How can they rest, when they have gutted the American economy that was once the greatest in the world? They will rest because they are evil. They are Moloch worshippers. They have sacrificed the many a young soldier for control of oil.
Under Bush 2, “America the great” has now become “America the great oppressor of all nations”. This is a murderous nation that kills its babies for convenience. This is a nation that starts wars at the command of the Elite bankers. This is a nation that uses its CIA to destroy other nations.
Weep and morn for America is fallen, is fallen, is fallen.
George Bush, I warned you years ago, to come out of your father’s house. Instead you compromised on abortion and started two wars, and now you have set this country spiraling toward depression. You will go down in history as the worst president to date. I can’t imagine any will ever be more evil than you.
There have been a million Iraqis killed in your war. Add to that number, over 4500 American patriots’ blood that you laid on the altar of Moloch to strengthen elite evil, and weaken this nation.
Through the Patriot Act, FISA, and the J Warner Defense Act, You have proven yourself the greatest of all Traitors to the American Constitution. Your greatest accomplishment may be that, Benedict Arnold’s name as the chief American traitor can finally be laid to rest in the shadows or your duplicity and deceit.
Mr. Bush, you have been charged with treason by the truth movement. The evidence is all over the internet. What defense do you offer these charges?
What answer will you give to Jah for your actions? The blood of the innocent will be required at your hands, unless you repent.
As we watch the present economic meltdown, a world government ruled by the banks, (Global Elite) will arise. They will be heralded as "The Answer". This is right on time on the Globalist schedule. Anti-patriot Bush surely says Hallelujah! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
We have deflation. Prices are down. Unemployment is up. Houses are not selling. Under-employment is pandemic. Food stamp use is at record levels- they are today’s breadlines. This is not the work of Muslim terrorist. It is the work of George Bush and the Global Elites.
This is what happens to a country that is sold out by elitists like Bush, Cheney, Rockefeller, Clinton, and others. For fun and profit, these people purposely destroyed American’s value added economy. Armed with free-trade lies, and blood in their eyes, these men have proven themselves to be shills of the globalist Bankers. The Military Industrial Complex cheers for every new war they connive this nation to start. War is big business.
Our nation’s work force has been put on idle. The workers themselves have been poison by genetically modified foods. We have been slowly poisoned by design. The evil elitist will stop at nothing to destroy the sovereignty of this Nation.
Now Bush 2 and Laura look forward to some rest time. How can they rest, when they have gutted the American economy that was once the greatest in the world? They will rest because they are evil. They are Moloch worshippers. They have sacrificed the many a young soldier for control of oil.
Under Bush 2, “America the great” has now become “America the great oppressor of all nations”. This is a murderous nation that kills its babies for convenience. This is a nation that starts wars at the command of the Elite bankers. This is a nation that uses its CIA to destroy other nations.
Weep and morn for America is fallen, is fallen, is fallen.
George Bush, I warned you years ago, to come out of your father’s house. Instead you compromised on abortion and started two wars, and now you have set this country spiraling toward depression. You will go down in history as the worst president to date. I can’t imagine any will ever be more evil than you.
There have been a million Iraqis killed in your war. Add to that number, over 4500 American patriots’ blood that you laid on the altar of Moloch to strengthen elite evil, and weaken this nation.
Through the Patriot Act, FISA, and the J Warner Defense Act, You have proven yourself the greatest of all Traitors to the American Constitution. Your greatest accomplishment may be that, Benedict Arnold’s name as the chief American traitor can finally be laid to rest in the shadows or your duplicity and deceit.
Mr. Bush, you have been charged with treason by the truth movement. The evidence is all over the internet. What defense do you offer these charges?
What answer will you give to Jah for your actions? The blood of the innocent will be required at your hands, unless you repent.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Parents to Outlive Children
“Children born in the year 2000 or later are not expected to outlive their parents" stated Dr. David Katz of the Yale Preventive Medicine Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut at a nutrition conference last April. In March of last year, Dr. Katz quoted in a Wall Street Journal article that a ‘poor diet in kids is more dangerous than alcohol, drugs, and tobacco combined."
Quote From
Quote From
Lindsey Williams was Right
Oil falls below 50 to 48 a barrel. Yup Lindsey Williams was right.
"U.S. light crude for January delivery slipped $1.92 or 3.9 percent to a low of $47.36a barrel, its lowest since May 2005 and almost $100 off the record peak of $147.27 reached in mid-July. That followed a more than 9 percent dive on Monday." Yahoo News
Click on the title to follow to link.
Also check out other articles on this blog: Aug 5th, Aug 11, and Aug 28th.
"U.S. light crude for January delivery slipped $1.92 or 3.9 percent to a low of $47.36a barrel, its lowest since May 2005 and almost $100 off the record peak of $147.27 reached in mid-July. That followed a more than 9 percent dive on Monday." Yahoo News
Click on the title to follow to link.
Also check out other articles on this blog: Aug 5th, Aug 11, and Aug 28th.
New York City Bans Video Cameras
New York Video Ban:
The police state advances.
The police state advances.
The police state advances.
The police state advances.
Police State Rising
Washington Post:
"The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials."
"The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials."
Schwarzenegger Declares FIscal Emegency
"LOS ANGELES (AFP) – Facing a deep budget deficit, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday declared a "fiscal emergency" in California and called a special session of the state legislature to deal with the crisis." Yahoo News
Did Fema Blow the Levees?
Did FEMA blow the Levees so that the City of New Orleans would be flooded so that the Homeland Security SS Troops could be established?
Monday, December 1, 2008
World War
So now Obama is interested in war in Pakistan and Afghanistan? This from one who did not want war.
India has now come forth into the world of terrorism, and is now preparing for war with Pakistan. This is your international crises for Obama. This is the next step in the Globalist attack against freedom in the world.
Pakistan is not in the control of the NWO. They are slated to be and America will do the dirty deed.
This attack was staged and was done to give reason for this new war.
Look behind the scene and you will find the CIA doing the Globalist bidding.
Remember Bidden said Barak would be tested. He is no prophet, the plan was already on the NWO books that he had looked at.
This nation is already bankrupt. We cannot afford another war, but the NWO anti-God forces already have the battle planned. The US is to be broken financially and then the NWO can come with the answer.
Thier answer is: Thier complete control.
India has now come forth into the world of terrorism, and is now preparing for war with Pakistan. This is your international crises for Obama. This is the next step in the Globalist attack against freedom in the world.
Pakistan is not in the control of the NWO. They are slated to be and America will do the dirty deed.
This attack was staged and was done to give reason for this new war.
Look behind the scene and you will find the CIA doing the Globalist bidding.
Remember Bidden said Barak would be tested. He is no prophet, the plan was already on the NWO books that he had looked at.
This nation is already bankrupt. We cannot afford another war, but the NWO anti-God forces already have the battle planned. The US is to be broken financially and then the NWO can come with the answer.
Thier answer is: Thier complete control.
Globalist Lugar
"Abandonment of the protective policy by the American government must result in the increase of both useless labor, and idleness; and so, in proportion, must produce want and ruin among our people." Abraham Lincoln
We are steadily slipping into a free trade depression in the US. I see no way that this can be reversed except to renegotiated trade deals and protect the American worker.
Unemployment is moving into all time high levels. This nation was screwed under the Bush, Clinton, Bush misdirection. Obama offers little change as far as I see.
Every High Tech job can be more cheaply done, by China and India, than in the Western nations. Add Mexico and central and south American countries to those two and even a Senator should be able to see the hopelessness of the present free trade debacle. Free Trade assures that America will not have a value added economy. This means America will never be financially strong again.
Globalist sellout Dick Lugar in a return letter to me, of one in which I had expressed my disdain for free-trade policies of the last 20 years, implied that I am a “protectionist”.
The word is "Patriot" Dick Lugar. I'm sure you are old enough to have read the word somewhere in your history studies as a student fifty years ago.
I believe a strong and righteous America is best for the whole world. Dick, I’m sure you don’t hear that in your meetings with your globalist buddies the Rockerfellers.
Perhaps it would help you Dick Lugar, to come back to Indiana and live on a pig farm for a while. Maybe on one that is being repossessed by a failing bank because of the CAFTA agreements. Wading the elitist Washington manure will never get you centered like experiencing the effects of the free trade policies of the last twenty years on Indiana, would.
Fellow Hoosiers, don't you wish Ab Lincoln was our Republican Senator from Indiana?
The above blog entry from, a letter sent to Globalist Dick Lugar.
By the way Dick Lugar, I am not against foreign trade. But for it, with import tariffs that level the playing field. I believe the American worker was once the best in the world and would be again if he just had a job to prove it.
Remember that from your history books? A JOB!
We are steadily slipping into a free trade depression in the US. I see no way that this can be reversed except to renegotiated trade deals and protect the American worker.
Unemployment is moving into all time high levels. This nation was screwed under the Bush, Clinton, Bush misdirection. Obama offers little change as far as I see.
Every High Tech job can be more cheaply done, by China and India, than in the Western nations. Add Mexico and central and south American countries to those two and even a Senator should be able to see the hopelessness of the present free trade debacle. Free Trade assures that America will not have a value added economy. This means America will never be financially strong again.
Globalist sellout Dick Lugar in a return letter to me, of one in which I had expressed my disdain for free-trade policies of the last 20 years, implied that I am a “protectionist”.
The word is "Patriot" Dick Lugar. I'm sure you are old enough to have read the word somewhere in your history studies as a student fifty years ago.
I believe a strong and righteous America is best for the whole world. Dick, I’m sure you don’t hear that in your meetings with your globalist buddies the Rockerfellers.
Perhaps it would help you Dick Lugar, to come back to Indiana and live on a pig farm for a while. Maybe on one that is being repossessed by a failing bank because of the CAFTA agreements. Wading the elitist Washington manure will never get you centered like experiencing the effects of the free trade policies of the last twenty years on Indiana, would.
Fellow Hoosiers, don't you wish Ab Lincoln was our Republican Senator from Indiana?
The above blog entry from, a letter sent to Globalist Dick Lugar.
By the way Dick Lugar, I am not against foreign trade. But for it, with import tariffs that level the playing field. I believe the American worker was once the best in the world and would be again if he just had a job to prove it.
Remember that from your history books? A JOB!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fema "Holding Prisons" Arising in a Neighborhood Near You
The Police State gun confiscation in New Orleans was a wake up call from Jah, of what is transpiring. (For my Fellow Hoosiers there is a Camp in Beech Grove Indiana)
Sheep Trained to Lay down Rights by The Church
Posse Comitatus: 1878 Forbid American troops from Policing on American soil. The Military was to protect the country from Foreign threats.
The American church is teaching its people to submit to the rising Marshall law. The government has at least 50,000 preachers preaching that the citizen should lay down their rights and be slaves.
The early church knew it was not only the right of the Christian to oppose bad government but its duty. The modern preaching against civil disobedience is appalling. Our government is seeded with shills prepared by universities with globalist agendas.
This is the very reason I preach kingdom not church. Christ preached kingdom. John the baptist preached kingdom. The kingdom cannot be controlled by government control. Check out my other blogs. Revolution
The American church is teaching its people to submit to the rising Marshall law. The government has at least 50,000 preachers preaching that the citizen should lay down their rights and be slaves.
The early church knew it was not only the right of the Christian to oppose bad government but its duty. The modern preaching against civil disobedience is appalling. Our government is seeded with shills prepared by universities with globalist agendas.
This is the very reason I preach kingdom not church. Christ preached kingdom. John the baptist preached kingdom. The kingdom cannot be controlled by government control. Check out my other blogs. Revolution
Friday, November 28, 2008
Indian Terrorism
Some of the terrorist in India may be Western. This probably means the CIA is doing it.
CNN has also reported some of the terrorist may be british.
This really smells of CIA.
Some of the terrorist in India may be Western. This probably means the CIA is doing it.
CNN has also reported some of the terrorist may be british.
This really smells of CIA.
Wolfowitz the Father of the Bush Preemptive War Doctrine
The government conspiracy we call 911 no doubt grew from his influence.
This man should be tried and when found guilty, executed. This along side Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield.
These men are treasonous.
Eight Months before 911 Bush planned to Invade Iraq
Bush is on record in lies. This man should have been empeached. The Democrats totally failed us. Both parties are Glbalist sellouts.
Anti-Christ Clergy to Help Establish Marshall Law
"Feds Train Clergy To "Quell Dissent" During Martial Law Shocking KSLA 12 news report confirms story we broke last year, Pastors to cite Romans 13 as reason for public to obey government orders, relinquish guns and be taken to camps during state of emergency.." Infowars
13,000 preachers recuted has now grown to 26,000 are onboard to help establish Marshall Law.
They will tell thier flock to law down thier guns...They will use Romans 13 as a way to manipulate thier people.
"Feds Train Clergy To "Quell Dissent" During Martial Law Shocking KSLA 12 news report confirms story we broke last year, Pastors to cite Romans 13 as reason for public to obey government orders, relinquish guns and be taken to camps during state of emergency.." Infowars
13,000 preachers recuted has now grown to 26,000 are onboard to help establish Marshall Law.
They will tell thier flock to law down thier guns...They will use Romans 13 as a way to manipulate thier people.
Washington in for 5 Trillion Bail out
God Help the people. Take this group of Elitist government NWO shills down!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lying Government
Will the US government ever admit to the reported one million Iraqis killed in the war? NO!
Read the article on
The Bush government has been the most evil ever in the history of the USA. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, and the various commanding generals should stand trial for these actions.
They should be hung when found guilty.
Read the article on
The Bush government has been the most evil ever in the history of the USA. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, and the various commanding generals should stand trial for these actions.
They should be hung when found guilty.
Friday, November 21, 2008
This film is a bit biased, but mostly it is true. Revolution
Full Movie:
Al-CIAdia Murder of Missionary and Child:
The CIA approved the Murder of a missionary and her child. This goes on all the time. The CIA may be behind more criminal activity then the Mafia. Revolution
“The Peruvian anti-drug tactic of blowing suspected drug smuggling planes out of the sky aroused little notice in the press or elsewhere as long as the victims were presumed bad guys. Since April 20th - when a Peruvian pilot guided to his target by contract employees of the CIA in a plane leased from the Defense Department attacked a civilian Cessna and killed a US missionary and her infant child - the airwaves have been filled with mutual finger-pointing and hand-wringing as Peru and the US each seek to assign blame to the other. “ DRC Net
“The Peruvian anti-drug tactic of blowing suspected drug smuggling planes out of the sky aroused little notice in the press or elsewhere as long as the victims were presumed bad guys. Since April 20th - when a Peruvian pilot guided to his target by contract employees of the CIA in a plane leased from the Defense Department attacked a civilian Cessna and killed a US missionary and her infant child - the airwaves have been filled with mutual finger-pointing and hand-wringing as Peru and the US each seek to assign blame to the other. “ DRC Net
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Fall on the Rock
Since men have begun to hail Obama as God, the Lord himself will oppose this nation.
We are at a day when men must decided, will they repent or will they be opposed?
It is time for deliverance.
Fall on the Rock.
We are at a day when men must decided, will they repent or will they be opposed?
It is time for deliverance.
Fall on the Rock.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
The New Chairman of the board....controls the propaganda machine.....
Television is not the truth, it is a Goddamn amusement park... Those who want truth go to God.
Congressional Interrogation
The interrogation of Mr. Kashkari on the bailout was well done. The first courage I've seen from Congress in a long time. There are a few of them even worth keeping.
Precious few.
I do believe the people are going to give Barak a few months and if things are not better by spring look for riots in the street.
Precious few.
I do believe the people are going to give Barak a few months and if things are not better by spring look for riots in the street.
Time to over throw this Government
I am against the GM/FORD bailout. Yet I would rather see 25 billion go there then one more cent to the anti-God bankers. But I do not think it wise to bail out any one.
We know, the auto companies struggle with their legacy cost. The imports do not have that problem. Many of the Japanese cars are manufactured here in the US. The parts are shipped in from overseas, and we have screwdriver factories here to put them together. This of course is preferable to them being totally manufactured over there. Yet, with GM and Ford's contractual obligations, our auto makers have an uphill battle against this reality.
The way to fix the problem is trade tariffs. This would bring manufacturing back to the US, and fix the economy. Of course the anti-God Elitist globalist don't want that. They want the US weakened. Idiots in Congress have no will to change this. They call Economic Patriots like Pat Buchanon, "Protectionist". This label is no slam to the informed.
I do want to protect the Constitution and the economy and the freedom of this nation. Sell outs like Global Elitist Dick Lugar and hundreds of others in Congress want to keep America weak by keeping free trade in tact.
Goerge HW, Bill Clinton and W, have all sold out America. They are evil men and need tried for treason. Those who voted for NAFTA,GATT,CAFTA, and other so called free trade policies, need to be exported to the countries they sold us out to, and never be allowed to return to the US. Yet I fear foreign countries are too smart to import our junk.
We need a Revolution!
We know, the auto companies struggle with their legacy cost. The imports do not have that problem. Many of the Japanese cars are manufactured here in the US. The parts are shipped in from overseas, and we have screwdriver factories here to put them together. This of course is preferable to them being totally manufactured over there. Yet, with GM and Ford's contractual obligations, our auto makers have an uphill battle against this reality.
The way to fix the problem is trade tariffs. This would bring manufacturing back to the US, and fix the economy. Of course the anti-God Elitist globalist don't want that. They want the US weakened. Idiots in Congress have no will to change this. They call Economic Patriots like Pat Buchanon, "Protectionist". This label is no slam to the informed.
I do want to protect the Constitution and the economy and the freedom of this nation. Sell outs like Global Elitist Dick Lugar and hundreds of others in Congress want to keep America weak by keeping free trade in tact.
Goerge HW, Bill Clinton and W, have all sold out America. They are evil men and need tried for treason. Those who voted for NAFTA,GATT,CAFTA, and other so called free trade policies, need to be exported to the countries they sold us out to, and never be allowed to return to the US. Yet I fear foreign countries are too smart to import our junk.
We need a Revolution!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jezebel makes Her Move
Bush's acceptance of Obama is simply a false humility. He is however confirming the Global elitist choice to succeed him.
This man Obama is evil. He is fully committed to Jezebel who rules this nation's political and entertainment kingdoms.
This man Obama is evil. He is fully committed to Jezebel who rules this nation's political and entertainment kingdoms.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
One Million Americans have Lost thier Homes to Foreclosure
And none of the bailout money went to the home owner.
And none of the bailout money went to the home owner.
Hearings on the Bail Out Scam
Three and one-half hours on C-span:
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