Saturday, February 27, 2010

Trac Phone Problems

After three hours on three different days trying to get minutes transferred with Trac Phone from one phone to another, I thought I'd post this and say, don't get involved with this company. Their help people are sometimes impossible to understand (foreign)and ultimately they are going to cheat you anyway.

Mostly I deal with Nation concerns. But sometimes it is good to lump guys like Trac Phone in with the Rockefeller NWO, conspiracy. It is my experience with Chase Bank and Trac Phone, that they steal money. I here state that they have no doubt stolen millions from Americans.

Avoid any Rockefeller bank for your credit card or loans, and do not get involved with trac phone!

They are both evil and unrepentant.

Click on Title

What is the Lord saying to us through the earth quakes in divers places?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pretending We Are Not in a Depression

Original Source:,-Politicos.html

From Alex Jones Web Page:

"The Market Ticker
February 23, 2010

I’m going to write today about a very somber subject. It will be, as it usually is here in one form or another, about math.

First, some background. If you believe that we have “escaped” from the mess that gripped this nation in 2008 and 2009, or that said mess “suddenly appeared” and “nobody saw it coming”, stop reading now and have your Thorazine dosage checked. It’s way off.

Assuming you accept the truth – that this mess was 20 year or more in the making, that it involved creating credit (that is, debt) which the debtor could never pay, and that it still exists because our government policy has been to extend, pretend and allow lies that should be considered accounting fraud and result in prison sentences, then you’re on the right page to understand the rest of this missive. Again, if not, go check your Thorazine dosage."

Click Title for more.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Millions of unemployed face years without jobs

From the NY Times:

The New York Times
February 22, 2010

"Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits.

Economists fear that the nascent recovery will leave more people behind than in past recessions, failing to create jobs in sufficient numbers to absorb the record-setting ranks of the long-term unemployed.

Call them the new poor: people long accustomed to the comforts of middle-class life who are now relying on public assistance for the first time in their lives – potentially for years to come...."


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

From InfoWars

"CIA boss Leon Panetta told Congress today that “homegrown extremists” working for al-Qaeda will strike America in three to six months. The recruits will be “clean” and have no traces to the phantom terrorist organization, according to Panetta and other intelligence officials."

Check out the Infowars article by clicking on the title.